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Monday, February 16, 2009

ep9 Brainstorming Bonanzle show notes - Auctions on Bonanzle

If your new here, these show notes are the chat archive from episode 9 of Brainstorming Bonanzle, an online radio show which you can listen to right here.

I like to think of these show notes as evolving directory of the movers and shakers on Bonanzle, what they're experts in, and what they're talking about.

Scroll the conversation as it surrounds the companion audio podcast. While to the untrained eye, this can look like gibberish, if you know what you looking for, it's extremely relevant content to the subject at had.

These notes serve several purposes:

  • They make an excellent ongoing reference library of the brainstorming content we cover on the show.
  • The links entered by the people in the chat, provide even further usefullness as you learn who is an expert in what, and what lines of products and services they specialize in.
  • The SEO juice is tremendous due to the thousands of keywords entered with every set of show notes, which match up perfectly with the conversation in each episode. Search engines love it when you send the to the information you say your going to send them to!
  • Taken in or out of context, they can be pretty damn funny!

Each episode can be listened to in the player right here on this site, or found at
By the way, if you visit us at that link, please consider following and rating the show. Thanks

[7:55:13 PM] auctionwally is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] Sinfuldreams is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] attheboutique is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] TatorsNana is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] katbarton is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] starshinin is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] momof2birds is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] tomwayne1 is logged into the chat

[7:55:13 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat

[7:55:14 PM] GildedELegance is logged into the chat

[7:55:14 PM] oshunspirit is logged into the chat

[7:55:14 PM] mrsmoondog is logged into the chat

[7:55:14 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat

[7:55:14 PM tomwayne1> Oh, crap. I already spend too much time there

[7:55:14 PM mrsmoondog> Call me AJ. :)

[7:55:14 PM starshinin> yep gidget lol

[7:55:18 PM] vintagegoodness is logged into the chat

[7:55:20 PM starshinin> k

[7:55:22 PM] oldsaltsailor is logged into the chat

[7:55:26 PM momof2birds> we must be old

[7:55:32 PM attheboutique> Mitzi!! Hey!!1

[7:55:32 PM katbarton> hi old salt

[7:55:34 PM starshinin> oldsalt and goodness…wow

[7:55:35 PM vintagegoodness> hey hey

[7:55:35 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat

[7:55:37 PM katbarton> mitzi

[7:55:41 PM starshinin> where is di????

[7:55:41 PM katbarton> yeah!

[7:55:42 PM] auctionwally is on the call

[7:55:45 PM GildedELegance> Hi Mitzi

[7:55:46 PM] The recording has started.

[7:55:46 PM katbarton> don’t know

[7:55:48 PM] enngga is logged into the chat

[7:55:50 PM] chickenlady is logged into the chat

[7:55:51 PM mrsmoondog> hehehe I’m not telling. But our t-shirts sort of gives that away lol

[7:55:52 PM starshinin> shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[7:55:52 PM katbarton> look in my booth

[7:55:58 PM vintagegoodness> gonna listen in tonight while i’m workin

[7:56:08 PM vintagegoodness> :)

[7:56:13 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[7:56:14 PM] enngga has left the chat

[7:56:17 PM auctionwally> Wow! Thanks again guys! I am flattered, there’s a bunch of you.

[7:56:18 PM] jules43035 is logged into the chat

[7:56:21 PM] attheboutique is on the call

[7:56:23 PM Sinfuldreams> Road Shows on Too

[7:56:30 PM starshinin> there’s di….and wally. how do u listen??

[7:56:32 PM] BrightestBlessings is logged into the chat

[7:56:35 PM] enngga is logged into the chat

[7:56:36 PM momof2birds> hey wally

[7:56:36 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[7:56:45 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[7:56:48 PM auctionwally> So, here’s the deal, new phone and hardware,…worked great last week.

[7:56:51 PM katbarton> Hello Enngga, hey wally

[7:56:53 PM attheboutique> Just turn the volume up on your computer

[7:57:00 PM katbarton> cool

[7:57:05 PM auctionwally> It’s sounding very crunchy on this end though.

[7:57:09 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[7:57:11 PM] enngga has left the chat

[7:57:16 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat

[7:57:20 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[7:57:25 PM vintagegoodness> i’m not hearing anything?

[7:57:26 PM] DudeAndChick is logged into the chat

[7:57:30 PM oldsaltsailor> Is there any audio yet??

[7:57:30 PM] enngga is logged into the chat

[7:57:31 PM mrsmoondog> Nor I

[7:57:31 PM auctionwally> Please let me know if my audio comes over lousy.

[7:57:33 PM katbarton> not yet…??

[7:57:33 PM BrightestBlessings> me either

[7:57:37 PM katbarton> we will

[7:57:39 PM vintagegoodness> ok good not just me :)

[7:57:40 PM auctionwally> I’m not on yet lol!

[7:57:41 PM tomwayne1> no audio

[7:57:43 PM oldsaltsailor> Ok it’s not me

[7:57:44 PM starshinin> no here either

[7:57:46 PM chickenlady> no audio her either

[7:57:47 PM katbarton> hi DeDe

[7:57:51 PM vintagegoodness> oh don’t worry walt you’ll hear about it ;)

[7:57:54 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey! :)

[7:57:57 PM tomwayne1> head that

[7:57:57 PM katbarton> got a hi ther

[7:58:00 PM] enngga has left the chat

[7:58:02 PM tomwayne1> heard that too

[7:58:05 PM katbarton> nothing

[7:58:08 PM mrsmoondog> afk for a minute; got to get a heatpack for my feet

[7:58:14 PM] enngga is logged into the chat

[7:58:17 PM vintagegoodness> hear music

[7:58:18 PM tomwayne1> hear music now

[7:58:19 PM vintagegoodness> oops

[7:58:19 PM] Sinfuldreams has left the chat

[7:58:20 PM] Sinfuldreams is logged into the chat

[7:58:22 PM vintagegoodness> did

[7:58:23 PM vintagegoodness> lol

[7:58:25 PM momof2birds> I acan hear!

[7:58:26 PM DudeAndChick> hear the music :)

[7:58:28 PM enngga> Gosh took me 4 times to get a chat box

[7:58:30 PM katbarton> hear music..very low

[7:58:31 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[7:58:35 PM enngga> Hello Everyone

[7:58:37 PM vintagegoodness> yah is pretty low

[7:58:38 PM katbarton> crunchy

[7:58:45 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat

[7:58:45 PM momof2birds> hi DudeandChick

[7:58:46 PM BrightestBlessings> real low

[7:58:47 PM vintagegoodness> hehe kat i love that word

[7:58:48 PM Sinfuldreams> Very low music

[7:58:49 PM katbarton> Hello ennga

[7:58:52 PM ebay & Beyond> Volume is way low Walt

[7:58:54 PM DudeAndChick> you’re right it’s quite low

[7:58:58 PM enngga> Hello Kat

[7:58:58 PM Sinfuldreams> almost hear it

[7:59:04 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[7:59:04 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[7:59:08 PM Sinfuldreams> better

[7:59:09 PM enngga> Sounds better now

[7:59:17 PM katbarton> Sorry bout the bonanza, had to cancel, had the flu

[7:59:20 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat

[7:59:26 PM katbarton> getting there

[7:59:30 PM auctionwally> ty this is helping keep feedback

[7:59:30 PM tomwayne1> low volume background music

[7:59:31 PM] SharsBoutique is logged into the chat

[7:59:31 PM momof2birds> are you all better?

[7:59:36 PM katbarton> yep

[7:59:43 PM mrsmoondog> jammin

[7:59:44 PM momof2birds> good

[7:59:48 PM katbarton> yep..still low

[7:59:50 PM GildedELegance> Nothing here Wally

[7:59:56 PM katbarton> better

[7:59:57 PM Sinfuldreams> still low but better

[7:59:59 PM Sinfuldreams> Better!

[8:00:00 PM ebay & Beyond> Better Walt

[8:00:01 PM vintagegoodness> thats better

[8:00:01 PM tomwayne1> Getting louer

[8:00:04 PM Sinfuldreams> Good

[8:00:08 PM DudeAndChick> yes! just got cleareer

[8:00:09 PM tomwayne1> louder

[8:00:12 PM katbarton> yep..much better

[8:00:13 PM ebay & Beyond> Good now Walt

[8:00:14 PM Sinfuldreams> Yes

[8:00:18 PM momof2birds> it’s good here

[8:00:18 PM Sinfuldreams> :)

[8:00:18 PM BrightestBlessings> good

[8:00:24 PM ebay & Beyond> Gong to call Walt McButtons

[8:00:24 PM katbarton> great

[8:00:26 PM] mjstreasures is logged into the chat

[8:00:27 PM starshinin> i have to go get hubby, i’m not gettin anythin

[8:00:29 PM auctionwally> lol

[8:00:31 PM katbarton> lol…

[8:00:34 PM attheboutique> lol, Dave

[8:00:38 PM ebay & Beyond> Bad now

[8:00:41 PM oldsaltsailor> You got to many people telling u what to do

[8:00:43 PM auctionwally> I think that honor has already been bestowed dave!

[8:00:44 PM katbarton> down now

[8:01:01 PM ebay & Beyond> Back to terrible again

[8:01:03 PM katbarton> hmmm

[8:01:06 PM katbarton> good

[8:01:10 PM tomwayne1> good

[8:01:12 PM] jules43035 has left the chat

[8:01:12 PM] jules43035 is logged into the chat

[8:01:14 PM katbarton> yep

[8:01:14 PM enngga> Can hear you good

[8:01:18 PM ebay & Beyond> Your audio is good now

[8:01:18 PM Sinfuldreams> yea

[8:01:18 PM momof2birds> gotcha wally

[8:01:20 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:01:20 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:01:21 PM Guest 11> just fine

[8:01:33 PM attheboutique> sounds good here

[8:01:35 PM ebay & Beyond> No crunch hear

[8:01:39 PM katbarton> sounds good

[8:01:41 PM tomwayne1> no crunch here

[8:01:46 PM katbarton> yep

[8:01:46 PM starshinin> well guess hubby is gonna have to work on mine cuz i can’t hear anything and volume is on

[8:01:47 PM momof2birds> no crunch here

[8:01:48 PM mrsmoondog> no crunch here

[8:01:49 PM vintagegoodness> yah you sound good walt no worries

[8:01:52 PM mjstreasures> sounds fine

[8:01:58 PM GildedELegance> Nothing here Wally

[8:02:07 PM DudeAndChick> it’s not too bad here

[8:02:11 PM ebay & Beyond> Starshinin try logging out and back in

[8:02:15 PM attheboutique> Look right under chat room list, and turn it up there too

[8:02:18 PM GildedELegance> Hi Jules

[8:02:23 PM jules43035> hello

[8:02:23 PM enngga> Starshinin click on trouble hearing on the bottom right

[8:02:29 PM katbarton> starshinnin can’t hear either…lol

[8:02:47 PM starshinin> ahhh how do i do that?? log out and back in?

[8:03:00 PM tomwayne1> See if the speaker is muted

[8:03:00 PM ebay & Beyond> yep

[8:03:00 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[8:03:04 PM] reejr123 is logged into the chat

[8:03:04 PM attheboutique> Tonight’s topic, Auctions on Bonanzle!

[8:03:07 PM katbarton> close down then go back to thread again star

[8:03:11 PM] starshinin has left the chat

[8:03:19 PM vintagegoodness> ok everyone i’ll be listening, be back later on :D

[8:03:32 PM ebay & Beyond> Later Mitzi

[8:03:38 PM katbarton> ty phaedra..your great

[8:03:43 PM attheboutique> :)

[8:03:45 PM] sistahqueen is logged into the chat

[8:03:54 PM momof2birds> Hey Phaedra

[8:04:00 PM enngga> Midnight in montgomery Walt

[8:04:01 PM] starshinin is logged into the chat

[8:04:05 PM momof2birds> sistah!

[8:04:35 PM SharsBoutique> Great auction you had last night, Phaedra!

[8:04:40 PM sistahqueen> a full house tonite

[8:04:43 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat

[8:04:45 PM katbarton> missed it

[8:04:45 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[8:04:45 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[8:04:46 PM attheboutique> Thankies, shar!!

[8:04:58 PM] starshinin has left the chat

[8:05:07 PM] Henrietta is logged into the chat

[8:05:07 PM attheboutique> I was winging it!! lol

[8:05:09 PM DudeAndChick> it was exciting!

[8:05:20 PM momof2birds> hi henrietta

[8:05:22 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:05:28 PM enngga> Do not forget to Rate the show afterwards

[8:05:32 PM katbarton> You helping with mine tomorrow night Phaedra?

[8:05:36 PM katbarton> :)

[8:05:43 PM attheboutique> lol, sure will

[8:05:47 PM katbarton> ty

[8:05:51 PM attheboutique> welcome :)

[8:05:59 PM Henrietta> wotta lotta people! Hi guys

[8:06:04 PM momof2birds> now wally’s crackling

[8:06:05 PM mrsmoondog> hi!

[8:06:06 PM attheboutique> Hey Henrietta!!

[8:06:10 PM katbarton> hello

[8:06:16 PM DudeAndChick> hi Henrietta! ;)

[8:06:17 PM GildedELegance> Hi Henrietta

[8:06:22 PM enngga> Do not forget Auction Wally auction is Jan 24 at 1 PM

[8:06:26 PM mrsmoondog> <– is from Peoria lol

[8:06:35 PM ebay & Beyond> henrietta, long time no see! LOL

[8:06:36 PM momof2birds> wow!

[8:06:36 PM] tomwayne1 is on the call

[8:06:46 PM BrightestBlessings> Hi Henrietta! :)

[8:07:02 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:07:06 PM sistahqueen> Hey everybody….great crowd!

[8:07:20 PM BrightestBlessings> Hi Sista!

[8:07:20 PM GildedELegance> Hi Dede

[8:07:21 PM mrsmoondog> hi sistah!

[8:07:29 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey There1

[8:07:51 PM attheboutique> Live Auctions January 24th 1pm eastern, some are listed in booth already take a look

[8:07:52 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:07:52 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:07:53 PM] Renagade is logged into the chat

[8:08:11 PM momof2birds> hi renegade

[8:08:11 PM GildedELegance> Where’s Susan?

[8:08:20 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:08:20 PM Renagade> I made it!!!

[8:08:26 PM attheboutique> Exellent, Ren!!

[8:08:30 PM katbarton> hey renegade

[8:08:30 PM GildedELegance> There she is!

[8:08:34 PM BrightestBlessings> Don’t know just sent her a message.

[8:08:44 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey Renagade!

[8:08:52 PM katbarton> me me…lol..want to do one

[8:08:54 PM Renagade> Got phone call….

[8:08:58 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[8:09:03 PM mrsmoondog> hehehe

[8:09:08 PM momof2birds> I need to know the technical stuff about auctions

[8:09:15 PM BrightestBlessings> got coffee?

[8:09:22 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:09:22 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:09:31 PM Renagade> LOL…YEP!

[8:09:31 PM enngga> I found it on your web site

[8:09:45 PM momof2birds> how to physically do it

[8:10:03 PM] EclecticAve is logged into the chat

[8:10:07 PM] tomwayne1 has hung up

[8:10:08 PM attheboutique> good question!

[8:10:12 PM] starshinin is logged into the chat

[8:10:20 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:10:20 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:10:29 PM] starshinin has left the chat

[8:10:30 PM ebay & Beyond> Wow just looked at some of the items for the auction! Scared the heck outa me!!!!!!!!! Then I read the description

[8:10:42 PM katbarton> great question

[8:10:47 PM] oldsaltsailor has left the chat

[8:10:47 PM enngga> rofl Dave

[8:10:48 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[8:10:49 PM] Henrietta has left the chat

[8:10:49 PM] Henrietta is logged into the chat

[8:11:08 PM Henrietta> testing

[8:11:18 PM ebay & Beyond> Sure wish you all would come to my show!

[8:11:22 PM Renagade> 1..2..3..

[8:11:24 PM attheboutique> I do Dave!!!

[8:11:34 PM katbarton> me to Dave

[8:11:35 PM Renagade> I TRY!

[8:11:39 PM DudeAndChick> I’m lucky to remember to come to this one!

[8:11:40 PM momof2birds> me too

[8:11:40 PM ebay & Beyond> Yes you do dear Phedra

[8:11:41 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:11:48 PM attheboutique> :)

[8:11:52 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat

[8:12:01 PM Henrietta> Wally I can tell you that you WILL need a spotter assistant, the booth box is way small

[8:12:21 PM Guest 11> I wish the sales would start coming a little more regular

[8:12:26 PM ebay & Beyond> Ring Man!!!!!

[8:12:52 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:12:52 PM] HowlingWolf324 is logged into the chat

[8:13:11 PM momof2birds> go slow please wally

[8:13:13 PM attheboutique>

[8:13:23 PM attheboutique> Wally’s notes for tonight’s show

[8:13:30 PM Henrietta> yes, I dropped by one last night and it was chaotic, she was giving stuff away

[8:13:38 PM Guest 11>

[8:13:40 PM katbarton>

[8:13:42 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat

[8:14:01 PM] tree411 is on the call

[8:14:52 PM attheboutique> .

[8:15:04 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:15:09 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[8:15:10 PM attheboutique> Merch that deserves the auction format.

[8:15:20 PM] oldsaltsailor is logged into the chat

[8:15:35 PM Renagade> THAT is the main thing!

[8:15:40 PM oldsaltsailor> **

[8:15:43 PM attheboutique> Promoting your auction

[8:15:50 PM Henrietta> @Momof2 you can always read the notes on Wallys sprout site he will give the link later and you can relisten to this show at any time

[8:16:17 PM momof2birds> ok

[8:16:17 PM Henrietta> Hi Dave

[8:16:24 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[8:16:25 PM attheboutique> Where did you promote your auction on Bonanzle?

[8:16:36 PM momof2birds> yeah

[8:16:36 PM GildedELegance> BargainBasement has a tutorial in her booth.

[8:16:41 PM DudeAndChick> Whew!

[8:16:41 PM] The Savvy Seller is logged into the chat

[8:16:43 PM tree411> i keep getting booted

[8:16:49 PM katbarton> ty, guilded

[8:17:07 PM Renagade> Going to try to connect better…dial up is bad AGAIN!!!

[8:17:07 PM GildedELegance> welcome

[8:17:08 PM attheboutique> Keep it upbeat, during the auction itself.

[8:17:10 PM enngga> .

[8:17:11 PM] HowlingWolf324 has left the chat

[8:17:11 PM] Renagade has left the chat

[8:17:15 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat

[8:17:17 PM sistahqueen> tutorial of what?

[8:17:24 PM Henrietta> ????Wally Can you do it on talkshoe?

[8:17:24 PM katbarton> we can do that!

[8:17:35 PM oshunspirit> I love the progressive format, adding extras as the bidding increases

[8:17:35 PM GildedELegance> How to conduct an aution

[8:17:58 PM sistahqueen> Thanks GE

[8:18:00 PM katbarton> yep

[8:18:26 PM auctionwally>
Please post links here w http:// prefix they’ll be copied, cut & pasted as show notes at which is getting to be an o

[8:18:27 PM GildedELegance> Welcome

[8:18:27 PM momof2birds> I’m all ears!

[8:18:32 PM] owlcrkbrg is logged into the chat

[8:18:56 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat

[8:19:25 PM auctionwally> which is getting to be an online directory of Bonanzers.

[8:19:28 PM momof2birds> tweeting?

[8:19:33 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:19:34 PM katbarton> how do you make twitter question

[8:19:38 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat

[8:19:46 PM katbarton> to promote auction

[8:20:23 PM katbarton> non

[8:20:27 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat

[8:20:30 PM DudeAndChick>

[8:20:31 PM katbarton> mom of 2

[8:20:42 PM katbarton> Ty, gude

[8:20:43 PM enngga> Is 15 mins. too long

[8:20:46 PM katbarton> lol..dude

[8:20:50 PM auctionwally> This is a great way to do an auction.

[8:20:52 PM DudeAndChick> lol

[8:20:58 PM] owlcrkbrg has left the chat

[8:20:59 PM katbarton> :)

[8:21:25 PM momof2birds> thanks kat

[8:21:28 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat

[8:21:33 PM tree411> 15 minutes is to long I think. 10 is perfect to me.

[8:21:35 PM katbarton> yep…dude too

[8:21:58 PM DudeAndChick> Yes it was! Phaedra was on fire

[8:22:01 PM] Renagade is logged into the chat

[8:22:05 PM Henrietta> there is a twitter thread on Bonanzle

[8:22:06 PM SharsBoutique> :(

[8:22:08 PM] JohnZee4PetraZee is logged into the chat

[8:22:13 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat

[8:22:14 PM sistahqueen> wow

[8:22:19 PM Guest 16> (c) Hello .

[8:22:22 PM katbarton> cool!

[8:22:35 PM BrightestBlessings> Hello Guest 16!

[8:22:47 PM Guest 16> (z) Hi

[8:22:47 PM GildedELegance> Hello

[8:22:48 PM mjstreasures> hi guest

[8:22:49 PM Henrietta> exhilarating huh?

[8:22:52 PM katbarton> nice coffeee…did you bring more?

[8:22:59 PM momof2birds> how do you work out the shipping?

[8:23:03 PM Guest 16> (c) here

[8:23:08 PM katbarton> ty

[8:23:09 PM attheboutique> Shipping remained the same

[8:23:21 PM katbarton> ty, pheadra

[8:23:26 PM attheboutique> welcome!

[8:23:33 PM momof2birds> and al the extras?

[8:23:40 PM katbarton> same

[8:23:46 PM] mjstreasures has left the chat

[8:23:49 PM attheboutique> I went back to booth chat and wrote them down

[8:23:56 PM attheboutique> They were freebies

[8:24:02 PM Guest 16> (T) Can we Call in ?

[8:24:06 PM momof2birds> right

[8:24:19 PM Renagade> Phaedra did a GREAT job!! very smooth!

[8:24:19 PM GildedELegance> Yes

[8:24:23 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat

[8:24:27 PM momof2birds> does the item have to be one that was already in your booth?

[8:24:41 PM attheboutique> Mine was, ,but you can list just for an auction

[8:24:45 PM Renagade> no…

[8:24:47 PM enngga> no you can add it

[8:24:58 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:25:10 PM katbarton> yes guest 16

[8:25:16 PM Henrietta> yes otherwise nobody would know what you were selling, people have been setting up a separate booth category

[8:25:36 PM momof2birds> ahhh, the auction category

[8:26:00 PM momof2birds> I’ve done that in preparation

[8:26:01 PM katbarton> in Advanced options mom

[8:26:04 PM Henrietta> you got it momof2

[8:26:05 PM attheboutique> Difference in live auction versus listing auction

[8:26:15 PM SharsBoutique> The chat box gets really slow after 2 auctions back to back.

[8:26:26 PM Henrietta> it will be a zoo

[8:26:30 PM attheboutique> glad I only had too, lol

[8:26:31 PM SharsBoutique> And it takes forever to delete each line of the chat

[8:26:37 PM katbarton> lordy….fun

[8:26:51 PM momof2birds> does it? how?

[8:27:02 PM Renagade> It went quik for me…it didnt bog down Shar…

[8:27:08 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:27:09 PM attheboutique> I had a lot of chat to delete, finished it this morning

[8:27:10 PM katbarton> the more chat you have,,,the slower the chat goes

[8:27:13 PM SharsBoutique> Then it might just be me!

[8:27:19 PM attheboutique> But the actual chat during auction went well, no slow ups

[8:27:22 PM katbarton> mine bogs just on regular day

[8:27:38 PM katbarton> probably because it was quick

[8:27:38 PM attheboutique> So in live auction, Wally will have an “inspection” period

[8:27:55 PM momof2birds> good idea

[8:28:00 PM Guest 17> This guy is a smoothe talker, but a little long winded

[8:28:06 PM Sinfuldreams> Auctions Ebb and flow

[8:28:24 PM attheboutique> Keep them interested, keep it upbeat

[8:28:25 PM Sinfuldreams> :)

[8:28:25 PM Renagade> I love to hear Wally talk…

[8:28:30 PM oshunspirit> adding in extras keeps it moving

[8:28:31 PM Guest 16> (D)

[8:28:35 PM Henrietta> go vote for one click chat delete

[8:28:41 PM katbarton> he been doing this 25 years

[8:28:48 PM attheboutique> Thanks Henrietta!! I did vote for that

[8:28:48 PM GildedELegance> I like 10 minutes

[8:28:51 PM katbarton> the best

[8:28:55 PM attheboutique>

[8:29:08 PM enngga> Attention spand short for most people

[8:29:15 PM] ebay & Beyond is on the call

[8:29:21 PM SharsBoutique> lol

[8:29:21 PM GildedELegance> yes

[8:29:22 PM attheboutique> Agreed, enngga, keep it lively

[8:29:30 PM Guest 17> I like him too

[8:29:31 PM katbarton> yep me too henrietta

[8:29:36 PM] oakIslandBoutique is logged into the chat

[8:29:46 PM Guest 17> can I change my name without logging out?

[8:29:49 PM Guest 16> (i) Wally has it going on

[8:29:52 PM attheboutique> Have I missed any questions?

[8:30:09 PM] bkwrm40 is logged into the chat

[8:30:09 PM GildedELegance> no

[8:30:09 PM Henrietta> dont think so 17

[8:30:10 PM katbarton> the promotion end phaedra

[8:30:14 PM attheboutique> you need a log in account to change name

[8:30:21 PM oakIslandBoutique> Hello everyone!

[8:30:21 PM katbarton> how to make twitter tweet

[8:30:36 PM attheboutique> Ohh, Twitter, are you on twitter?

[8:30:37 PM momof2birds> hi oak

[8:30:45 PM Guest 17> I’m here because tree411 told me to come

[8:30:46 PM GildedELegance> Hello oak

[8:30:48 PM Renagade> Audio is bad for me tonite… Dial up is bad…:(

[8:30:53 PM Henrietta> I gave link to that on Bonz katbarton

[8:30:58 PM katbarton> no I am here, but for promoting..I don’t get the tweets

[8:31:09 PM katbarton> ohh ty, herietta

[8:31:09 PM SharsBoutique> We really need one specific place on Bonanzle. It is hard to keep the Live Auction (date) up in the threads.

[8:31:10 PM tree411> way to go guest 17

[8:31:12 PM Guest 11> I just decided to be a mystery guest

[8:31:13 PM Henrietta> Hey Phil

[8:31:17 PM ebay & Beyond> Wow big lot Walt

[8:31:33 PM Guest 16> (L) the Autions

[8:32:17 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:32:31 PM Guest 16> %)

[8:32:33 PM ebay & Beyond> Way to go Walt!

[8:32:34 PM Henrietta> do not hold your breath Phaedra unless you like purple

[8:32:47 PM katbarton> lol..

[8:33:07 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat

[8:33:08 PM GildedELegance> lol

[8:33:12 PM katbarton> got the link to do it from henrietta

[8:33:39 PM Renagade> Got it thru media player…much better…

[8:33:46 PM katbarton> razmear

[8:33:48 PM katbarton> yes

[8:33:50 PM BrightestBlessings> yes

[8:33:56 PM Guest 16> 35 PEOPLE IN CHAT RIGHT NOW.(L)

[8:33:57 PM katbarton> he does the redirect program..

[8:34:00 PM SharsBoutique> Not many use it, though.

[8:34:01 PM katbarton> kk..brb

[8:34:03 PM attheboutique> BB, got a link to that auction list on Bonz?

[8:34:10 PM] Guest 19 is logged into the chat

[8:34:13 PM oakIslandBoutique> Hey Tee

[8:34:14 PM TatorsNana>

[8:34:18 PM attheboutique> all links like this please,

[8:34:25 PM attheboutique> Thankies, TatorsNana!!!

[8:34:29 PM Renagade> There isnt anything that I am NOT interested in that Wally has up for auction

[8:34:32 PM TatorsNana> your welcome

[8:34:44 PM oshunspirit> BOnz Calender of Upcoming Auctions

[8:34:48 PM tomwayne1> Razmear is the Bonz guy.

[8:34:55 PM katbarton>

[8:35:04 PM tree411> Hi oakIslandBoutique

[8:35:15 PM Henrietta> @katbarton my twitter

[8:35:16 PM DudeAndChick> There are some greatitems in his auction list already! Can’t wait to see what else he’s got up his sleeve :D

[8:35:18 PM katbarton> Thats his booth, and then tomwayne got the bonz

[8:35:31 PM Guest 16> :/

[8:35:34 PM enngga> He will be a riot

[8:35:37 PM attheboutique>

[8:35:42 PM katbarton> thank you henreietta

[8:35:58 PM oakIslandBoutique> Hi Tree

[8:36:11 PM katbarton>

[8:36:13 PM attheboutique> check out the items he has listed for his upcoming auctions on Jan 24th

[8:36:20 PM katbarton> lol..funny

[8:36:29 PM BrightestBlessings>

[8:36:32 PM tree411> Hi oakIslandBoutique

[8:36:34 PM Guest 11> wish I could just get google base to work

[8:36:43 PM attheboutique> show notes

[8:36:45 PM DudeAndChick>

[8:36:51 PM Henrietta> I was able to help Lindaspostcards together with mark

[8:36:53 PM BrightestBlessings> That is the front page it is listed on the left side

[8:36:59 PM Renagade> Anyone who has NOT done an auction thinking about doing one?

[8:37:08 PM katbarton>

[8:37:18 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat

[8:37:22 PM SharsBoutique>

[8:37:23 PM DudeAndChick> We are definitely going to have one! have more to list first though

[8:37:28 PM tree411> I would like to do one at some point.

[8:37:29 PM katbarton>

[8:37:31 PM attheboutique> Grab someone and get some help in booth chat to help it out

[8:37:35 PM enngga>

[8:37:37 PM] Guest 20 is logged into the chat

[8:37:56 PM momof2birds> fI want to

[8:37:56 PM Sinfuldreams> Might be the only way I sell on Bonaz

[8:37:58 PM Henrietta> got her up and running plus the dear woman shared some things she had learned, that is the GLORY of Bonanzle, working together to benefit all

[8:38:04 PM bkwrm40>

[8:38:04 PM enngga>

[8:38:20 PM attheboutique> Little gems of information, never know where you will find them

[8:38:31 PM katbarton>

[8:38:34 PM vintagegoodness> ???? What about establishing shipping prices Walt

[8:38:37 PM Guest 11> thats right nothing quite like helping each other out

[8:38:48 PM katbarton> :0

[8:38:50 PM attheboutique> got it Mitzi, gonna interrupt in just a sec, lol

[8:38:51 PM katbarton> :)

[8:38:56 PM vintagegoodness> hehe thanks

[8:39:01 PM sistahqueen> ….

[8:39:09 PM mrsmoondog>

[8:39:12 PM] Guest 20 has left the chat

[8:39:12 PM Henrietta> @Mitzi quote Zone 8 or lower to be safe

[8:39:13 PM TatorsNana>

[8:39:18 PM katbarton> yep

[8:39:34 PM enngga>

[8:39:37 PM attheboutique> I use set rate shipping, so is not a problem for me, the auction bids do not include shipping, only cost of item in mine

[8:39:38 PM] Guest 21 is logged into the chat

[8:39:40 PM Guest 13>

[8:39:40 PM Renagade> Hey Mitzi!

[8:39:46 PM vintagegoodness> hey hey

[8:40:05 PM attheboutique> I meant flat rate, lol

[8:40:06 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:40:12 PM katbarton>

[8:40:14 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey Mitzi!

[8:40:14 PM vintagegoodness> i guess when you start bidding you would have to say shipping will be $XX

[8:40:15 PM JohnZee4PetraZee> yo Mitzi

[8:40:20 PM vintagegoodness> yo yo ;)

[8:40:26 PM Henrietta> For me everything is Zone 8 so am able to set flat rate shipping

[8:40:29 PM vintagegoodness> i’m listening while i’m werkin

[8:40:45 PM Sinfuldreams> They are going to start charging TAX on Internet sale sometime soon :(

[8:40:55 PM vintagegoodness> oh sinful i know i’m scared to death of that

[8:40:56 PM katbarton> Plexo on my squidoo, for anyone who wants to add their booth

[8:40:59 PM Henrietta> werking in the coal mine Mitzi!

[8:41:01 PM sistahqueen>

[8:41:02 PM vintagegoodness> hehe

[8:41:14 PM Renagade> If it fits in a flat rate box…you can do it that way

[8:41:16 PM mrsmoondog>

[8:41:28 PM katbarton>

[8:41:36 PM ebay & Beyond> Conditions of the sale

[8:41:37 PM Renagade>

[8:41:44 PM sistahqueen>

[8:41:51 PM Renagade> OOPPS!

[8:41:57 PM katbarton> oops??

[8:42:00 PM ebay & Beyond> Called terms and conditions in the auction world

[8:42:05 PM Renagade>

[8:42:08 PM katbarton> ahh…

[8:42:09 PM] chickenlady has left the chat

[8:42:31 PM] ANightOwl is logged into the chat

[8:42:44 PM katbarton> hello nightowl’

[8:43:02 PM attheboutique> now that sounded like a live auctioner, lol

[8:43:08 PM oakIslandBoutique> LOL

[8:43:09 PM katbarton> lol..he is

[8:43:10 PM Henrietta> Anybody wants help with GoogleBase use contact in my Bonanzle booth, give me a phone number and time you want me

[8:43:10 PM ANightOwl> sigh…late again! Ooops!

[8:43:19 PM sistahqueen>

[8:43:35 PM Henrietta> to call bearing in mind I am in Hawaii so big time difference

[8:43:52 PM katbarton> I wanna be in hawwaii

[8:43:58 PM katbarton> sigh..

[8:43:58 PM attheboutique>

[8:44:04 PM DudeAndChick> me too, less snow :)

[8:44:08 PM katbarton> yep

[8:44:20 PM Renagade> in the chat it is easier…the first one up…

[8:44:29 PM katbarton> yep

[8:44:34 PM katbarton> agree Ren

[8:44:38 PM Henrietta> I am sitting on my lanai looking at the snow on Mauna Kea

[8:44:40 PM attheboutique> I think in the chat, it flows, and the time stamps helps

[8:44:43 PM tree411> We are looking at as much as 30 below for Wiscosnin tonight.

[8:44:49 PM] The Savvy Seller has left the chat

[8:44:52 PM sistahqueen>

[8:44:56 PM katbarton> ty Hen…I jealous

[8:45:02 PM Renagade> helped you last night!

[8:45:08 PM Guest 11> Klem Kadiddlehopper was just on the front page.

[8:45:25 PM tomwayne1> Kelm AKA red skelton

[8:45:29 PM momof2birds> ol’ Klem?

[8:45:32 PM tomwayne1> I must be old

[8:45:33 PM attheboutique> certainly did, had to scroll back up to see who won, once I got them to stop, lol

[8:45:41 PM] bkwrm40 has left the chat

[8:45:44 PM sistahqueen> Klem was a hoot back in the day..

[8:45:48 PM Henrietta> but you will not be paying 45c per kwh for electricity

[8:46:01 PM katbarton> ewww

[8:46:42 PM Henrietta> I pay 8c in SD

[8:46:52 PM Guest 11> he is my fave Red

[8:47:04 PM momof2birds> Dave!

[8:47:11 PM Renagade> They seemed to wanted to keep going last night!

[8:47:24 PM Renagade> Hey Dave!

[8:47:24 PM attheboutique> Dave white of ebay and beyond basics to business

[8:47:44 PM Guest 11> gotta blame it on someone

[8:48:01 PM Henrietta> is living in an igloo these days

[8:48:09 PM attheboutique> ebay & Beyond: Basics To Business Saturdays 10am est time

[8:48:15 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[8:48:16 PM Henrietta> not me, Dave

[8:48:16 PM katbarton> good god!

[8:48:23 PM JohnZee4PetraZee> 85 degrees here in southern Calo today

[8:48:41 PM attheboutique> Dave on WordPress

[8:48:50 PM Renagade> LOL..remember those days! in New England!

[8:48:54 PM Henrietta> Dave 70 degrees and a gentle breeze

[8:49:09 PM katbarton> ahh…yep..Woburn, Ren..where at?

[8:49:27 PM DudeAndChick>

[8:49:27 PM EclecticAve> Henrietta, sounds like the Philippines to me..oh I miss home :)

[8:49:34 PM Renagade> Shut up Henri! LOL the rest of us are freezing!

[8:49:35 PM katbarton> have my title

[8:49:42 PM auctionwally> You gotta have a blog.

[8:49:53 PM attheboutique> Promote your auction, blog it, tweet it, Bonanzle forums, emails, get others to link it on theirs

[8:49:56 PM oakIslandBoutique> 5o’s here in NC

[8:50:02 PM katbarton> hush Hen, less you putting up tickets for auction

[8:50:02 PM attheboutique> Don’t have a blog? Start one!

[8:50:06 PM jules43035> blog readership up over 300%

[8:50:10 PM Henrietta> @Eclectic, nothing like the PI humidity!

[8:50:13 PM Renagade> Worburn?? North Shore I think

[8:50:15 PM katbarton> got a blog…just the title

[8:50:17 PM momof2birds> 30 in TN

[8:50:24 PM jules43035> 50+/- use blogs in purchase decisions

[8:50:30 PM Renagade> darn! Jamming again!

[8:50:34 PM katbarton> lol…Woburn Mass, right out side Boston

[8:50:34 PM mrsmoondog> How do you get people to read your blog?

[8:50:47 PM DudeAndChick>
just started blogging! It’s fun

[8:50:49 PM katbarton> tell them about it Mrs. moon

[8:50:52 PM EclecticAve> Henri, I know but with this Michigan weather, I want that humidity. :)

[8:50:55 PM Henrietta> be interesting Mrs Moondog

[8:51:00 PM Renagade> yea..North shore section

[8:51:01 PM GildedELegance> Maybe we should auction off a trip to Henrietta to enjoy that weather!

[8:51:03 PM attheboutique> tag it, follow others, tweet it, post it everywhere you can, and offer good content

[8:51:47 PM attheboutique> network with others!

[8:51:57 PM] Guest 22 is logged into the chat

[8:52:02 PM mrsmoondog> hmmm.. ok I’ll have to think about all that. Thank you all :)

[8:52:04 PM katbarton> I have 8 sites going since starting bonanzle

[8:52:06 PM sistahqueen> …..

[8:52:10 PM Sinfuldreams> I started on on Wallys network site

[8:52:16 PM Guest 22> Hi everyone!

[8:52:24 PM katbarton> hello, 22

[8:52:31 PM oakIslandBoutique> hey 22

[8:52:32 PM GildedELegance> Hi 22

[8:52:32 PM attheboutique> Mark of Bonanzle on Dave’s show Saturday January 24th!!

[8:52:34 PM EclecticAve> hi 21

[8:52:35 PM momof2birds> hi 22

[8:52:40 PM tree411> hi guest 22

[8:52:45 PM EclecticAve> I mean 22 LOL

[8:52:45 PM GildedELegance> Hi Sharon

[8:52:51 PM DudeAndChick> hi #22

[8:52:55 PM Henrietta> pre-dawn patrol next Saturday

[8:53:01 PM EclecticAve> Hi Burnita, finally made it

[8:53:03 PM attheboutique> 10 am

[8:53:11 PM ebay & Beyond>

[8:53:13 PM Renagade> I started a thread on autionwallys ning and on bonanzle forums about music you are looking for…

[8:53:14 PM katbarton> ty phaedra

[8:53:20 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:53:39 PM Henrietta> 10 am EST

[8:53:55 PM katbarton> spotter

[8:53:59 PM Guest 22> Did I miss anything?

[8:54:13 PM attheboutique> What is a ring person? someone that works the room, helps the auctioner keep up with the bids

[8:54:18 PM enngga> have your wife to watch your computer chat bids

[8:54:27 PM katbarton> or hubby

[8:54:27 PM Henrietta> sorter of chaos for the Auctioneer

[8:54:28 PM Sinfuldreams> I love Live Auctions best

[8:54:37 PM attheboutique> lol, Henrietta, good description

[8:54:38 PM katbarton> dragged mine to bonanzle

[8:54:43 PM Henrietta> Hup

[8:54:53 PM katbarton> hup!

[8:55:09 PM attheboutique> January 24th, live auction with AuctionWally 1pm east,

[8:55:10 PM katbarton> make him favor everyone too!

[8:55:15 PM] Guest 23 is logged into the chat

[8:55:24 PM attheboutique> Favorite his booth, and mark your calenders!

[8:55:36 PM katbarton> yep yep, ty Phaedra

[8:55:38 PM Sinfuldreams> let chaos reign

[8:55:51 PM Guest 11> multiple computers?

[8:55:56 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:56:02 PM katbarton> multiple windows and tabs

[8:56:05 PM] sistahqueen has left the chat

[8:56:24 PM Henrietta> busier than a one armed paperhanger

[8:56:31 PM katbarton> lol

[8:56:31 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[8:56:33 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[8:56:44 PM katbarton> Hey DeDe

[8:56:52 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey Kat!

[8:57:00 PM attheboutique> never been to live auction, lol, I am so deprived, lol

[8:57:08 PM katbarton> too

[8:57:11 PM Guest 11> from what I have seen of auctions so far is that it is a lot of work for very little return

[8:57:14 PM Sinfuldreams> pepper the box

[8:57:22 PM katbarton> used to have them years ago on farm animals

[8:57:28 PM katbarton> been to one of those

[8:57:29 PM JohnZee4PetraZee> If you have never experienced an earthquake, you can check my blog We were 2 miles from the epienceter

[8:57:30 PM enngga> This will be crazy trying to keep up with chat and live at same time .. ooh !

[8:57:41 PM Guest 22> guest11 how many auctions have you had and what were you selling?

[8:57:47 PM katbarton> crazy fun

[8:57:48 PM Guest 11> I go to live auctions almost weekly

[8:57:52 PM attheboutique> It will be some work, to keep it smooth

[8:57:56 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat

[8:58:01 PM Henrietta> still do we go to an auction in Sd to buy cattle, one in MT for bulls

[8:58:03 PM Guest 22> Oh, I thought you were talking about Bonanzle auctions

[8:58:15 PM katbarton> cool, Hen

[8:58:18 PM Henrietta> they are 22

[8:58:21 PM katbarton> we are 22

[8:58:23 PM Sinfuldreams> Where in SD?

[8:58:24 PM Guest 11> I have watched quite a few on Bonanzle and it is just my observation

[8:58:27 PM] Renagade has left the chat

[8:58:37 PM attheboutique> My auction last night was very fruitful

[8:58:38 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[8:58:47 PM katbarton> I need fruit

[8:58:51 PM katbarton> :)

[8:58:53 PM Guest 22> I understand. They are still pretty new so everyone is learning. Just looking for feedback :)

[8:58:55 PM Henrietta> LaGrande just north of mitchell

[8:59:00 PM oakIslandBoutique> bananas

[8:59:06 PM Sinfuldreams> Ok

[8:59:09 PM] Renagade is logged into the chat

[8:59:14 PM katbarton> lol…ours in Snohomish here in Wash

[8:59:17 PM attheboutique> wb, Ren

[8:59:23 PM Henrietta> black angus

[8:59:27 PM Sinfuldreams> I go to Sisseton alot

[8:59:30 PM katbarton> yum

[8:59:36 PM] Guest 23 has left the chat

[8:59:37 PM Henrietta> registered seed stock

[8:59:40 PM Sinfuldreams> Good Tiques cheap

[8:59:43 PM] tree411 is logged into the chat

[8:59:55 PM TatorsNana> real fruitful

[9:00:02 PM attheboutique> Any questions for Wally or Dave?

[9:00:22 PM DudeAndChick> for PA residents?

[9:00:26 PM attheboutique> I am not working hard enough here, put me to work!

[9:00:27 PM katbarton> can wally be my ring guy Phaedra?

[9:00:27 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:00:28 PM DudeAndChick> no live auctions!

[9:00:32 PM Henrietta> HUGE fines Dave

[9:00:59 PM Renagade> Only on at 26.4 kbps right now…

[9:01:00 PM ebay & Beyond> Yes Henrietta

[9:01:27 PM attheboutique> Ren, gonna send you my broadband card, lol

[9:01:34 PM DudeAndChick> I wasn’t aware of this, need to brush up on my reading, sigh, guess we won’t be doing any auctions i our booth anytime soon then

[9:01:50 PM Renagade> I BUY it! LOL

[9:01:55 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:02:00 PM katbarton> lol

[9:02:09 PM katbarton> sold Ren

[9:02:19 PM Renagade> LOL

[9:02:30 PM] oshunspirit has left the chat

[9:02:38 PM] vintagegoodness has left the chat

[9:02:39 PM] momof2birds has left the chat

[9:02:42 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:02:43 PM enngga> Great Show Walt very informative

[9:02:58 PM katbarton> yes it is very informative

[9:03:09 PM Henrietta> @the other Henrietta, PA is very tough on enforcement

[9:03:12 PM katbarton> yep…micro

[9:03:13 PM Sinfuldreams> GoodIdea

[9:03:21 PM tree411> multiple items..Offer to the second bidder

[9:03:23 PM katbarton> yes..great idea’

[9:03:26 PM Sinfuldreams> thats where I was thinking anyway

[9:03:31 PM] Guest 24 is logged into the chat

[9:03:37 PM tree411> bid amount increases?

[9:03:50 PM Sinfuldreams> 10 - 20 top notch items

[9:03:51 PM DudeAndChick> I will definitely be educating myself on it then! Thanks Henrietta

[9:04:23 PM] momof2birds is logged into the chat

[9:04:23 PM] BrightestBlessings has left the chat

[9:04:26 PM auctionwally> I have a few of the auction items listed now at:

[9:04:29 PM katbarton> true

[9:04:36 PM oakIslandBoutique> exactly

[9:04:43 PM katbarton> no pre scheduling

[9:04:53 PM katbarton> that would depend phaedra

[9:04:57 PM Henrietta> This is my point to those who wanted more Bonanzas

[9:05:12 PM oakIslandBoutique> Yup

[9:05:13 PM] tree411 has hung up

[9:05:17 PM Henrietta> You are undercutting yourself

[9:05:18 PM Renagade> LOL

[9:05:20 PM momof2birds> I wouldn’t do it too often

[9:05:23 PM Guest 11> that is a fantastic point!

[9:05:42 PM DudeAndChick> Very good point

[9:05:43 PM attheboutique> agreed, Henrietta, my same thoughts on those

[9:05:54 PM] BrightestBlessings is logged into the chat

[9:06:08 PM] enngga has left the chat

[9:06:23 PM Henrietta> I have a regular monthly Bonanza on my Bonanzle anniversary, 16th of each month, but i don’t put everything in there and not the same items each time

[9:06:24 PM GildedELegance> So true Henrietta!

[9:06:25 PM Renagade> True!

[9:06:36 PM katbarton> yep..

[9:06:41 PM katbarton> mix it up

[9:06:42 PM momof2birds> right

[9:06:48 PM katbarton> variety

[9:06:51 PM oakIslandBoutique> Have to use the live auctions to drive buyers to purchase other items at the same time.

[9:06:52 PM DudeAndChick> That’s a good way to do a bonanza

[9:07:35 PM Renagade> And how would you do that oakIsland…

[9:07:53 PM attheboutique> drving buyers to get other items, got it, bid amount increases, got it

[9:08:02 PM Henrietta> I am a high milage oddity

[9:08:10 PM katbarton> lol..Hen

[9:08:11 PM attheboutique> lmbo, Henrietta

[9:08:16 PM] Guest 19 has left the chat

[9:08:17 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[9:08:20 PM DudeAndChick> LOL!

[9:08:24 PM oakIslandBoutique> Those that are not bidding can be looking at what other items you have.. Hopefully!

[9:09:11 PM Henrietta> good question!

[9:09:18 PM] tree411 has left the chat

[9:09:46 PM] vintagegoodness is logged into the chat

[9:09:49 PM Henrietta> it might be hard to control just in chatroom

[9:09:55 PM momof2birds> that’s how I’d do it

[9:09:57 PM attheboutique> set it, or let bidders control it

[9:10:20 PM] tomwayne1 has left the chat

[9:10:26 PM] jules43035 has left the chat

[9:10:34 PM momof2birds> funny, wally!

[9:10:37 PM katbarton> Starshinin been running one a night, and doing great

[9:10:52 PM momof2birds> really?

[9:10:55 PM katbarton> she let the crowd control

[9:10:59 PM Sinfuldreams> let go 25 cents

[9:11:01 PM katbarton> increment

[9:11:05 PM] tomwayne1 is logged into the chat

[9:11:27 PM Sinfuldreams> you can get an extra 5 bucks 25 cent at a time

[9:11:49 PM Renagade> Star has some great items in her booth…good seller ship well packed

[9:12:00 PM katbarton> yep..she good

[9:12:07 PM katbarton> helping me to Ren

[9:12:07 PM momof2birds> that’s how I hear our local auctioneers do

[9:12:15 PM attheboutique> Starshin has strong branding too

[9:12:35 PM Renagade> Good branding!

[9:12:42 PM Sinfuldreams> I’ve won with 50 cent higher bid

[9:12:53 PM Sinfuldreams> on junk though

[9:12:56 PM katbarton> she has been doing it for years…this is my 1st year on a ecommerce market

[9:13:10 PM katbarton> still learning

[9:13:12 PM] GildedELegance has left the chat

[9:13:13 PM] BrightestBlessings has left the chat

[9:13:16 PM momof2birds> I lvoe auctions

[9:13:19 PM] Guest 25 is logged into the chat

[9:13:25 PM Renagade> “Starshinin” on alabama! LOL

[9:13:31 PM attheboutique> so do I, won three on Bonanzle last night

[9:13:35 PM DudeAndChick> ..

[9:13:36 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:14:12 PM Renagade> kat..I have only been at it since 2007…dont feel bad! LOL

[9:14:27 PM Sinfuldreams> lol like re-reraising in Limit Hold Em’

[9:15:21 PM katbarton> lol..6 months Renagade…and never touched a computer before

[9:15:29 PM Sinfuldreams> I prefer No Limit :)

[9:16:00 PM Renagade> Anyone who havent been to an auction…and cant go can catch the “Cash in the Attic” show to get an idea of what it is like…

[9:16:15 PM katbarton> thanks Ren

[9:16:26 PM momof2birds> how it should be on Bonanzle

[9:16:57 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:17:07 PM Renagade> you are a quick learner Kat!

[9:17:14 PM katbarton> I try

[9:17:15 PM momof2birds> right Wally

[9:17:20 PM katbarton> :)

[9:17:31 PM Guest 11> cash in the attic is nothing compared to an American auction

[9:17:37 PM katbarton> used to public relations so it helps

[9:17:42 PM Sinfuldreams> yeah whats the deal with 7 day auctions anyway

[9:17:45 PM katbarton> I know how to talk! lol

[9:17:51 PM Renagade> TRUE! Guest 11

[9:17:52 PM momof2birds> interaction sure helps

[9:18:10 PM attheboutique> Interaction is key in live auctions

[9:18:19 PM attheboutique> engage the bidders

[9:18:31 PM momof2birds> YES

[9:18:32 PM katbarton> keep talking

[9:18:42 PM attheboutique> yep, don’t let it get silent, lol

[9:18:50 PM Renagade> BUT those who have never seen one will give them an idea

[9:19:04 PM katbarton> I never shut up Phaedra…so should work for me

[9:19:12 PM momof2birds> everybody should see a live auction

[9:19:14 PM Renagade> LOL

[9:19:15 PM attheboutique> definitely, Kat, lol

[9:19:20 PM katbarton> :)

[9:19:36 PM momof2birds> Wally is a pitchman!

[9:19:52 PM katbarton> baby need new shoes

[9:20:00 PM momof2birds> uh huh

[9:20:04 PM katbarton> lol

[9:20:15 PM Renagade> You have to selling ..pitch your items…your booth..

[9:20:25 PM katbarton> ya ya can do

[9:20:37 PM attheboutique> If you are excited, and it shows, your crowd will feel it oo

[9:20:38 PM attheboutique> too

[9:20:47 PM momof2birds> right

[9:20:54 PM katbarton> oh yeah

[9:20:54 PM momof2birds> banter yeah

[9:20:59 PM Henrietta> ok gotta go ttyl gang

[9:21:02 PM katbarton> chatter

[9:21:03 PM] Henrietta has left the chat

[9:21:05 PM attheboutique> Night Henrietta

[9:21:10 PM katbarton> by Hen ty

[9:21:11 PM momof2birds> bye henrietta

[9:21:14 PM Sinfuldreams> bye

[9:21:25 PM attheboutique> getting to that other question, driving buyers to other items in booth while having an auction

[9:21:36 PM oakIslandBoutique> night Tee

[9:21:45 PM katbarton> they looking while everyone chatting

[9:21:51 PM DudeAndChick> bye Henrietta, take care

[9:21:55 PM katbarton> thats how pheadra

[9:21:59 PM Renagade> thanks

[9:22:16 PM katbarton> tell the man what he won wally

[9:22:33 PM Sinfuldreams> cat chewed thru my USB Cable I can’t upload pics off my camera :(

[9:22:44 PM katbarton> t good

[9:22:51 PM momof2birds> oh no sin!

[9:22:51 PM mrsmoondog> uh oh

[9:22:55 PM katbarton> chit chat

[9:23:00 PM Sinfuldreams> no… but He’s SOOOO CUTE :)

[9:23:07 PM momof2birds> my bird likes to chew my cables

[9:23:14 PM Sinfuldreams> Lol

[9:23:19 PM attheboutique> Talk up other items before auction, good point

[9:23:23 PM] DudeAndChick has left the chat

[9:23:26 PM attheboutique> you have a captive audience there

[9:23:27 PM katbarton> thank god my kittys don’t shhhh…

[9:23:33 PM Renagade> think you can find another..look on Bonanzle!

[9:23:38 PM momof2birds> yeah

[9:23:40 PM Guest 17> any good cable prices there?

[9:23:41 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:23:43 PM Sinfuldreams> LOL

[9:23:47 PM katbarton> yep…there on there

[9:23:48 PM Sinfuldreams> I should

[9:23:51 PM katbarton> try norcal

[9:23:58 PM katbarton> maybe

[9:24:05 PM katbarton> he has technical stuff

[9:24:06 PM JohnZee4PetraZee> Radio Shack also has em

[9:24:12 PM katbarton> so does Bill harding

[9:24:16 PM attheboutique> remind them of what’s next, and similar items in booth

[9:24:37 PM katbarton> NorCalbargains sin

[9:24:52 PM Sinfuldreams> I’ll check em’ out

[9:24:57 PM katbarton> yep

[9:24:59 PM Sinfuldreams> thanks

[9:25:03 PM katbarton> wy

[9:25:10 PM momof2birds> do a webcam…hmmm

[9:25:11 PM katbarton>

[9:25:12 PM Renagade> Would you take a small break between items if doing more than one?

[9:25:20 PM Sinfuldreams> LOL

[9:25:23 PM attheboutique> got it, break between items

[9:25:26 PM katbarton> nah..keep it going Ren

[9:25:35 PM katbarton> take notes

[9:25:46 PM] GildedELegance is logged into the chat

[9:25:52 PM attheboutique> Last night was in booth, 5 auctions, had to have break, starting losing attention spans, lol

[9:25:54 PM Sinfuldreams> Like the Micro Auction Idea myself

[9:26:04 PM katbarton> micro yes

[9:26:08 PM attheboutique> not me in another booth

[9:26:12 PM momof2birds> keep the adrenaline flowing

[9:26:22 PM Renagade> I was thinking of the biiders…a mintue to go an look again etc…

[9:26:25 PM katbarton> hmm…all good ideas

[9:26:31 PM attheboutique> good point, Ren

[9:26:35 PM momof2birds> oh yeah

[9:26:39 PM Sinfuldreams> Only an Hour long and top notch items

[9:26:40 PM] Guest 22 has left the chat

[9:26:46 PM katbarton> let them choose item??

[9:26:52 PM] Guest 26 is logged into the chat

[9:26:53 PM attheboutique> and Dave made a great tip, keep them engaged with what is next

[9:27:03 PM Sinfuldreams> good idea kat

[9:27:16 PM katbarton> ty sin

[9:27:37 PM katbarton> give them 3 min to choose next item

[9:27:39 PM Renagade> and a chance for you to process the last one… clear chat..etc ..maybe 3 min or so..

[9:27:44 PM katbarton> then they looking

[9:27:46 PM attheboutique> yep, we can do this on Bonanzle for free, lol

[9:27:48 PM Sinfuldreams> I’m thinking mabe 20 itemsanyway

[9:27:55 PM attheboutique> fix listing for checkout too

[9:28:09 PM katbarton> fix listing at close

[9:28:12 PM momof2birds> busy auctioneer

[9:28:15 PM katbarton> ? maybe

[9:28:36 PM katbarton> wouldn’t shipping be the same

[9:28:42 PM katbarton> ??

[9:28:46 PM katbarton> yeah…

[9:28:52 PM attheboutique> for me it did, I have flat rate

[9:28:54 PM Sinfuldreams> yeah

[9:28:56 PM katbarton> not a geek wally! lol

[9:29:00 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:29:01 PM Renagade> you could do it that way Kat

[9:29:08 PM katbarton> yep Ren

[9:29:12 PM attheboutique> oh wow, yeah, need to type quickly, lol

[9:29:20 PM katbarton> I can do that

[9:29:25 PM katbarton> type fast

[9:29:29 PM Guest 26> aaasssdddfffggghhhjjjkkklll;;;

[9:29:29 PM GildedELegance> Wally is talking to me…………

[9:29:30 PM katbarton> talk fast to

[9:29:34 PM katbarton> lol

[9:29:42 PM Renagade> process all after…but you need to let them know

[9:29:43 PM attheboutique> lol, some fast typing last night, 12 bids in one minute

[9:29:48 PM mrsmoondog> uh oh. that’s a problem for me lol

[9:29:55 PM katbarton> Need to say at begging ren

[9:30:02 PM katbarton> begining

[9:30:14 PM katbarton> lol..have to spell right too

[9:30:17 PM attheboutique> That definitely ties in with Wally’s comment on state your terms up front

[9:30:21 PM Renagade> and after each one…

[9:30:29 PM katbarton> yep..Phaedra

[9:30:30 PM tomwayne1> Tech advice: when you come across some useful tip, write it down on index card or keep a notebook

[9:30:40 PM attheboutique> and bookmark show notes!

[9:30:41 PM momof2birds> typing in HS yup

[9:30:43 PM katbarton> always loose note book tom

[9:30:56 PM katbarton> book mark is good

[9:31:02 PM tomwayne1> get one of those bound books

[9:31:03 PM attheboutique>

[9:31:15 PM katbarton> loose that too tom, kids in school

[9:31:21 PM katbarton> take it all]

[9:31:35 PM katbarton> like the bookmark idea

[9:31:40 PM tomwayne1> how about an ipod touch then?

[9:31:51 PM katbarton> or have hubby in booth and have him take notes

[9:31:53 PM tomwayne1> don’t lose that!!!!!

[9:32:05 PM katbarton> what an ipod??

[9:32:06 PM Renagade> Get a DORKY one..they will leave it alone Kat

[9:32:11 PM] oakIslandBoutique has left the chat

[9:32:11 PM] oldsaltsailor has left the chat

[9:32:12 PM] TatorsNana has left the chat

[9:32:13 PM SharsBoutique> My fingers were programmed!!!!

[9:32:15 PM katbarton> they won’t

[9:32:31 PM katbarton> everything mine is theirs! lol

[9:32:35 PM attheboutique> Time it or not?

[9:32:47 PM Sinfuldreams> I had a Auctioneer Yell STOP when I had won a Bid

[9:32:47 PM katbarton> nah..let it run….

[9:32:55 PM Sinfuldreams> FUN

[9:32:59 PM] KimsKorner is logged into the chat

[9:33:01 PM katbarton> depend on crowd, how they feeling

[9:33:03 PM Renagade> Wally?? time it or not?

[9:33:12 PM attheboutique> Wally will let it run, he says

[9:33:13 PM Sinfuldreams> He was stomppin’ all over mad has heck

[9:33:22 PM KimsKorner> running late :)

[9:33:23 PM katbarton> crowd into it, then let them go

[9:33:29 PM] oldsaltsailor is logged into the chat

[9:33:30 PM attheboutique> Hey Kim! glad you made it!

[9:33:36 PM katbarton> hi Kim

[9:33:43 PM KimsKorner> hi

[9:33:46 PM mrsmoondog> hi Kim!

[9:33:51 PM momof2birds> hi Kim

[9:33:52 PM GildedELegance> Hi Kim

[9:34:11 PM Renagade> You could let it run till the bidders say Im out….

[9:34:12 PM katbarton> ahhh..only take two biddeers?

[9:34:31 PM katbarton> rappin

[9:34:31 PM momof2birds> no no

[9:34:38 PM] oakIslandBoutique is logged into the chat

[9:34:42 PM] TatorsNana is logged into the chat

[9:34:56 PM katbarton> I think play by ear..crowd know what they want

[9:34:57 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat

[9:35:00 PM] wildflowerdesigns is logged into the chat

[9:35:06 PM Sinfuldreams> You wont throw me off Wally LOL

[9:35:18 PM katbarton> quiet crowd..then not going nowhere

[9:35:24 PM attheboutique> I agree, I would have gotten a higher price if I had not had a time frame but had let it go

[9:35:33 PM mrsmoondog> but if you advertise it as a timed auction, don’t you have to end it at the time specified?

[9:35:37 PM momof2birds> probably

[9:35:41 PM katbarton> can feel it phaedra

[9:35:47 PM katbarton> play by ear

[9:35:51 PM attheboutique> yes, keep with your terms, if you promote as timed, keep it timed

[9:36:10 PM katbarton> promote as open..I think

[9:36:12 PM momof2birds> really, live auctions never state an ending time

[9:36:12 PM Renagade> You did the right and fair thing last night…you had a time limit set and stuck to it

[9:36:14 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:36:40 PM tomwayne1> how about stating 10 minutes minimum or until the last bid is given

[9:37:00 PM katbarton> keep it going

[9:37:03 PM KimsKorner> lol

[9:37:05 PM katbarton> lol..see

[9:37:06 PM mrsmoondog> That’s what I thought. Stay with your terms no matter what.

[9:37:20 PM katbarton> yep..whether open or closed

[9:37:33 PM TatorsNana> I agree - stick to the time limit

[9:38:00 PM Renagade> with a time…they tend to hold off on bidding…

[9:38:12 PM katbarton> When is this done phaedra? I need to get kids in bed, and don’t want to go

[9:38:12 PM GildedELegance> True Ren

[9:38:41 PM] Guest 27 is logged into the chat

[9:38:43 PM katbarton> I agree with you Ren…I think it should be by how the crowd is feeling

[9:38:48 PM attheboutique> lol, Kat, probably won’t be much longer, but you can always download it or listen to the recording

[9:39:02 PM katbarton> Kk, thanks pheadra

[9:39:12 PM oakIslandBoutique> lol

[9:39:12 PM attheboutique> Welcome :)

[9:39:23 PM Guest 27> SOLD!

[9:39:30 PM mrsmoondog> but if you run say a 3 minute auction, would that work better to get people to bid you think?

[9:39:33 PM katbarton> I am spelling your name wrong every time I type it

[9:39:35 PM Guest 27> Hey- a CRACK

[9:39:36 PM attheboutique> sheesh, I am so juiced, I want an auction, lol

[9:39:46 PM attheboutique> is okay, I answer anyway! lol

[9:39:46 PM katbarton> shoot sorry Phaedra

[9:39:47 PM Renagade> you can hear the replay on my blog

[9:39:57 PM katbarton> lol..I know, but just saw

[9:40:04 PM katbarton> thaks ren

[9:40:05 PM Sinfuldreams> I wouldn’t buy it if it’s cracked

[9:40:09 PM katbarton> thanks

[9:40:12 PM katbarton> lol..

[9:40:29 PM attheboutique> listen on Ren’s blog, and pull up show notes and follow along

[9:40:35 PM katbarton> what about snipe bids??

[9:40:43 PM attheboutique>

[9:40:45 PM katbarton> how do we handle that?

[9:40:50 PM TatorsNana> I love snipe bids

[9:40:51 PM Guest 27> he scratched his nose!

[9:40:52 PM Sinfuldreams> Im a Snipper

[9:40:55 PM Renagade> Cant do it on a live auction

[9:40:58 PM katbarton> lol..sin

[9:41:00 PM momof2birds> you mean like reingers?

[9:41:06 PM mrsmoondog> another sniper here lol

[9:41:09 PM Sinfuldreams> NO

[9:41:11 PM TatorsNana> can on a timed one

[9:41:13 PM momof2birds> ringers

[9:41:21 PM Sinfuldreams> No Ringers

[9:41:25 PM katbarton> ??don’t know term mom

[9:41:29 PM attheboutique> Dave White’s booth on Bonanzle, and check out the advertising for his show!

[9:41:37 PM Sinfuldreams> just WAIT untill he almost Yells SOLD

[9:41:43 PM momof2birds> people who bid to get the bid up

[9:41:44 PM oakIslandBoutique> groan… lol

[9:41:45 PM katbarton> LOL..

[9:41:49 PM Sinfuldreams> And you Bid

[9:41:57 PM Sinfuldreams> HIGH

[9:42:02 PM katbarton> so how do we handle it?

[9:42:06 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat

[9:42:11 PM momof2birds> dunno

[9:42:12 PM katbarton> even with snipe?

[9:42:13 PM Sinfuldreams> same way

[9:42:17 PM Sinfuldreams> let em do it

[9:42:18 PM katbarton> high?

[9:42:20 PM Renagade> no the other ones CAN still out bid you

[9:42:21 PM attheboutique> advertise your booth

[9:42:25 PM katbarton> hmm’

[9:42:26 PM TatorsNana> Last bid at the time called

[9:42:34 PM katbarton> ahhh..

[9:43:02 PM TatorsNana> not like regular sniping elsewhere tho

[9:43:03 PM GildedELegance>

[9:43:09 PM Renagade> Quick?? Wally?? Yeah right!

[9:43:16 PM Sinfuldreams> If I WANT it I’ll Snip and go HIGHER than the others MIGHT be willing to go

[9:43:32 PM Sinfuldreams> just to confuse them

[9:43:33 PM katbarton>

[9:43:49 PM katbarton>

[9:43:51 PM Sinfuldreams> get their brains jammed

[9:43:54 PM attheboutique> Get your links in!

[9:44:06 PM Sinfuldreams> dont have any yet

[9:44:10 PM katbarton>

[9:44:21 PM Renagade>

[9:44:29 PM momof2birds> ht.://

[9:44:32 PM katbarton>

[9:44:38 PM KimsKorner>

[9:44:47 PM Renagade>

[9:44:51 PM KimsKorner>

[9:44:59 PM katbarton>

[9:45:01 PM KimsKorner>

[9:45:09 PM attheboutique> minimum time, until all bids are in

[9:45:17 PM momof2birds>

[9:45:21 PM] Guest 27 has left the chat

[9:45:23 PM mrsmoondog>

[9:45:24 PM katbarton> http://www,

[9:45:35 PM attheboutique> Any more questions????

[9:45:35 PM Guest 26> :)

[9:45:39 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:45:40 PM attheboutique> did I miss any????

[9:45:48 PM katbarton> lol..Mark

[9:45:51 PM] tomwayne1 has left the chat

[9:45:59 PM mrsmoondog> Hi Mark! :)

[9:46:00 PM Renagade>

[9:46:03 PM attheboutique> Mark!! Hey, thanks for coming!

[9:46:23 PM KimsKorner> Did Mark sneak in? lol :)

[9:46:37 PM Guest 26> Nah, just listening. Good info here.

[9:46:37 PM GildedELegance> He has been here for a while….

[9:46:38 PM] tfmurphhk is logged into the chat

[9:46:39 PM attheboutique> Guest 26 outted himself, Mark, lol

[9:46:41 PM katbarton> he been here,,just quiet

[9:46:52 PM Renagade> always..sneaky sneaky

[9:46:58 PM] tomwayne1 is logged into the chat

[9:46:59 PM katbarton> he was in the guys didn’t read it??

[9:47:11 PM attheboutique> sure did

[9:47:15 PM tfmurphhk> Evening Wally

[9:47:16 PM ANightOwl>

[9:47:16 PM oakIslandBoutique> lol

[9:47:35 PM KimsKorner> I have been on twitter and ning most of the night so I am behind on everything lol

[9:47:48 PM Sinfuldreams> HOT DOGS?

[9:48:50 PM] Guest 24 has left the chat

[9:48:59 PM Renagade> Man! Got to listen to the replay of this one…audio is hiccupy on 26kbps! LOL Walt sounds like someone who has had a few ROFL

[9:49:37 PM] attheboutique has left the chat

[9:49:39 PM] attheboutique is logged into the chat

[9:49:40 PM GildedELegance> Ren did you get my request today?

[9:49:43 PM momof2birds> Can’t you use ReralPlayer?

[9:49:50 PM attheboutique> back, working now

[9:49:51 PM] Guest 28 is logged into the chat

[9:49:53 PM attheboutique> whew

[9:49:57 PM Sinfuldreams> good point

[9:49:59 PM] ebay & Beyond has hung up

[9:50:07 PM katbarton> lol…Pheadra

[9:50:09 PM Renagade> Yes..gonna check with DH to see what we can do…

[9:50:21 PM katbarton> yep chat slow…

[9:50:21 PM GildedELegance> Thanks

[9:50:28 PM KimsKorner> lol

[9:50:35 PM katbarton> nah…he fibbing

[9:50:44 PM katbarton> lol..sold!

[9:50:47 PM momof2birds> he lies

[9:50:48 PM Renagade> streaming through Media player now…the only way it will go…

[9:50:54 PM Sinfuldreams> you missed my jokes

[9:50:58 PM JohnZee4PetraZee> $22 here

[9:50:59 PM momof2birds> better!

[9:51:13 PM attheboutique> Any questions??

[9:51:23 PM katbarton> we good phaedra

[9:51:29 PM mrsmoondog> can I hear 25?

[9:51:38 PM katbarton> lol..22.25

[9:51:39 PM attheboutique> excellent, my head is spinning here with all this info!

[9:51:45 PM momof2birds> Too much info…wore out! Nighty night

[9:51:51 PM katbarton> night mom

[9:51:53 PM attheboutique> Listen to archive here

[9:51:54 PM mrsmoondog> night mom

[9:52:02 PM katbarton> download it

[9:52:04 PM KimsKorner> I missed the whole first 1/2 I was busy doing BAC assignment and twitter etc. lol saw a reminder on twitter about show lol

[9:52:15 PM attheboutique> show notes to follow along with

[9:52:17 PM Renagade> Ibad connection!! it rained here!

[9:52:19 PM katbarton> going on facebook, and myface

[9:52:20 PM Sinfuldreams> Great Show

[9:52:26 PM katbarton> space thing! lol

[9:52:32 PM attheboutique> download to your mp3 listen while you work

[9:52:39 PM oakIslandBoutique> Good show Wally

[9:52:43 PM Renagade> ROFL

[9:52:52 PM Renagade> myface…LOL

[9:52:54 PM KimsKorner> still too shy to call. Plus I am not sure how well Magic Jack will make the connection

[9:52:56 PM katbarton> wonderful show Wally

[9:53:11 PM] momof2birds has left the chat

[9:53:15 PM tomwayne1> Is the number at the bottom of my screen the number to call in?

[9:53:23 PM attheboutique> yes, tom that is it

[9:53:44 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[9:53:48 PM attheboutique> january 24th 1pm, auctionwally live!

[9:53:52 PM tomwayne1> thought so, called it earlier, must have been muted

[9:53:59 PM Sinfuldreams> well worth a relisten

[9:54:11 PM mrsmoondog> Thank you Wally, Phaedra, and Dave!

[9:54:28 PM katbarton> Thank you Phaedra! and Dave

[9:54:36 PM katbarton> Great show Wally

[9:55:00 PM auctionwally> Thank you.

[9:55:00 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:55:14 PM Guest 26> You guys rule! Thanks so much for the great show Wally and Phaedra and Dave! This is a really great sounding board for creative minds. Love it!

[9:55:26 PM Guest 26> Also thanks to everyone for tuning in.

[9:55:27 PM GildedELegance> Thanks for stopping by Mark!

[9:55:29 PM katbarton> You too Mark!

[9:55:30 PM attheboutique> Thankies, Mark!!

[9:55:33 PM attheboutique> Thanks everyone!!!

[9:55:35 PM katbarton> good to see you

[9:55:36 PM tomwayne1> Thanks

[9:55:37 PM EclecticAve> Glad I signed up for this

[9:55:45 PM tfmurphhk> Wally, maybe you can remind people about the Bonanzle Network at

[9:55:46 PM KimsKorner> Good to see you Mark

[9:55:46 PM oakIslandBoutique> Thanks Mark!

[9:55:49 PM Renagade> It is that for sure! Mark!

[9:55:54 PM katbarton> I need Wally for my ring guy

[9:55:55 PM] tomwayne1 has left the chat

[9:55:59 PM mrsmoondog> Thanks Mark!

[9:56:12 PM KimsKorner> tfm I was over on ning group earlier

[9:56:13 PM attheboutique> yes!!! our ning network,

[9:56:25 PM attheboutique> Oh, yeah, Kat, gotta ask that!

[9:56:36 PM katbarton> yeah! lol…

[9:57:16 PM Renagade> I started a thread in Music for anyone looking for certain music there!

[9:57:37 PM katbarton> I think we can all pitch in Phaedra

[9:57:50 PM auctionwally> My apologies to tree411 who was on the line for not getting that call!

[9:57:51 PM katbarton> Yep

[9:58:02 PM katbarton> yep

[9:58:15 PM attheboutique> link to twitter group, who has it???

[9:58:16 PM Renagade> Visit her booth…

[9:58:20 PM KimsKorner> I have finally learned how to use twitter lol

[9:58:22 PM katbarton> on forums

[9:58:27 PM katbarton> not sure where

[9:58:34 PM] Guest 28 has left the chat

[9:58:35 PM Renagade>

[9:58:41 PM katbarton> who you calling twitter

[9:58:47 PM katbarton> yep

[9:58:49 PM] Guest 29 is logged into the chat

[9:58:50 PM Renagade> OR on a Darn Dial up!

[9:59:00 PM auctionwally> Hey Tree411

[9:59:05 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[9:59:36 PM katbarton> she worth more than 5.00

[9:59:42 PM KimsKorner>

[9:59:42 PM ebay & Beyond> Wow, what am I chopped liver???

[9:59:43 PM attheboutique> Wally is setting my value here, lol

[9:59:50 PM katbarton> thank you kim

[9:59:51 PM KimsKorner> thats the twitter group

[9:59:52 PM attheboutique> thanks, Kim!!!

[9:59:58 PM katbarton> LMBO!!

[10:00:07 PM Renagade> We love you too Dave!

[10:00:11 PM attheboutique> Don’t forget to rate show, and follow!!!

[10:00:40 PM] oldsaltsailor has left the chat

[10:00:41 PM katbarton> where do you rate Phaedra??

[10:00:52 PM katbarton> I could not find it last time

[10:00:55 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat

[10:01:14 PM attheboutique> on the talkshoe page, here

[10:01:15 PM oakIslandBoutique> Gonna be a lot of auctions going on..

[10:01:21 PM attheboutique> on the right, down a bit

[10:01:21 PM] californiatreasures is logged into the chat

[10:01:23 PM katbarton> thank you

[10:01:27 PM katbarton> kk

[10:01:28 PM attheboutique> welcome :)

[10:01:34 PM oakIslandBoutique> cool

[10:01:39 PM californiatreasures> just got here..glad I didn’t miss this

[10:01:47 PM katbarton> Hi cali

[10:01:53 PM californiatreasures> Hi Kat

[10:01:58 PM katbarton> you did unfortunately

[10:02:04 PM tfmurphhk>

[10:02:19 PM oakIslandBoutique> sounds good

[10:02:20 PM attheboutique>

[10:02:22 PM californiatreasures> oh LOL that is why I am not hearing anything..

[10:02:23 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[10:02:24 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[10:02:31 PM tfmurphhk> its NOT buy ON bonanzle as you had said

[10:02:31 PM KimsKorner> lol tfm I linked it a little earlier too

[10:02:38 PM attheboutique>

[10:02:40 PM tfmurphhk> buy AT

[10:02:42 PM katbarton> nah..turn your speaker up

[10:02:46 PM attheboutique> show notes, see who said what!

[10:02:51 PM SharsBoutique> Great show! Gotta go, I just sold 5 items! Woo Woo

[10:02:54 PM] TatorsNana has left the chat

[10:02:55 PM] TatorsNana is logged into the chat

[10:02:59 PM attheboutique>

[10:03:01 PM KimsKorner> awesome Shars!

[10:03:02 PM katbarton> put your linkup Cali

[10:03:10 PM attheboutique> Go Shars!!!

[10:03:16 PM ebay & Beyond> She is GOOD!

[10:03:26 PM californiatreasures> okay. I still dont get this thing. i can read the chat but cant ever hear the calls??

[10:03:26 PM attheboutique> links, links, links

[10:03:29 PM katbarton> ROFL

[10:03:34 PM] JohnZee4PetraZee has left the chat

[10:03:39 PM] SharsBoutique has left the chat

[10:03:43 PM ebay & Beyond>

[10:03:45 PM katbarton> http://www.bonanzle.comgypsygirl

[10:03:50 PM] Guest 30 is logged into the chat

[10:03:52 PM Renagade> Another great show people!

[10:03:52 PM KimsKorner> I have to click on the streaming audio box under the list of members in chat to hear audio

[10:04:05 PM katbarton>

[10:04:06 PM KimsKorner> maybe thats what you need to do california

[10:04:07 PM] Guest 29 has left the chat

[10:04:09 PM Renagade>

[10:04:24 PM ebay & Beyond> ebay & Beyond: Basics to Business radio show

[10:04:26 PM katbarton>

[10:04:32 PM attheboutique> how to buy estate merchandise, hold an estate sale, and more! tomorrow night

[10:04:34 PM attheboutique> 8pm

[10:04:35 PM] Guest 25 has left the chat

[10:04:42 PM katbarton>

[10:04:43 PM KimsKorner> my blog I write about bonanzle, selling online, advertising ideas etc.

[10:05:05 PM] Guest 31 is logged into the chat

[10:05:08 PM Renagade>

[10:05:10 PM ebay & Beyond> Terry Kovel

[10:05:18 PM attheboutique> On AuctionWally show, Terry Kovel!! coming soon

[10:05:22 PM attheboutique> of the Kovel’s

[10:05:25 PM californiatreasures> it still wont work for me on firefox..keeps telling me to download plugins and i have done that already??

[10:05:28 PM ebay & Beyond> What a coup!

[10:05:41 PM Sinfuldreams> wow nice stuff

[10:05:43 PM katbarton> Did any one get the newsletter from Kovels??

[10:05:45 PM attheboutique> Excellent! thank you everyone for tuning in!!!!

[10:05:48 PM KimsKorner> hmmmm I am not sure then calif

[10:05:49 PM EclecticAve>

[10:05:50 PM katbarton> Interesting read

[10:05:53 PM ebay & Beyond> Thanks Walt!

[10:05:56 PM Sinfuldreams> I do

[10:06:02 PM KimsKorner> did you restart firefox after installing plugins

[10:06:03 PM katbarton> thank you everyone…..

[10:06:14 PM katbarton> I am off for the night

[10:06:14 PM californiatreasures> kim..i usually have to log into this on IE..didnt do that this time

[10:06:20 PM attheboutique>

[10:06:21 PM Renagade> Wow! sounds good!

[10:06:22 PM KimsKorner>

[10:06:24 PM californiatreasures> yes i did kim

[10:06:24 PM katbarton> thank you Phaedra

[10:06:38 PM katbarton> goodnight all

[10:06:38 PM Renagade> see ya Kat

[10:06:39 PM EclecticAve> Thanks you all!

[10:06:46 PM katbarton> night Ren

[10:06:47 PM KimsKorner> great show guys. I will have to listen to recording for first half :)

[10:06:53 PM californiatreasures> the notes are a mile long…what major news did I miss?

[10:06:54 PM GildedELegance> Good Night Everyone

[10:06:55 PM katbarton> Night sin

[10:07:09 PM Sinfuldreams> nite kat

[10:07:10 PM] GildedELegance has left the chat

[10:07:13 PM attheboutique> Everyone, awesome, I got soooo much info tonight!!

[10:07:15 PM] Guest 30 has left the chat

[10:07:16 PM EclecticAve> Good night everyone :)

[10:07:17 PM katbarton> Download it Cali..all about the auctions

[10:07:20 PM attheboutique> my head is all exploded, lol

[10:07:23 PM KimsKorner> Now I have to go get some work done and actually list lol

[10:07:25 PM californiatreasures> okay cook kat

[10:07:28 PM Sinfuldreams> was fun

[10:07:29 PM] Guest 26 has left the chat

[10:07:37 PM] Frolicnymph is logged into the chat

[10:07:39 PM attheboutique> Don’t forget to rate and follow :)

[10:07:44 PM mrsmoondog> Thanks all!

[10:07:46 PM KimsKorner> goodnight all, or see you on Bonanzle :)

[10:07:46 PM katbarton> lol..listed 10 items today…total of 310 now

[10:07:49 PM Sinfuldreams> nite everyone

[10:07:51 PM attheboutique> Night, Kim

[10:07:57 PM attheboutique> Excellent, Kat

[10:07:58 PM auctionwally> Yeah, PLEASE rate and follow, it really helps out.

[10:08:00 PM katbarton> nught nite

[10:08:02 PM attheboutique> night Sinful

[10:08:05 PM] KimsKorner has left the chat

[10:08:10 PM katbarton> Yep…Talk later Phaedra

[10:08:11 PM TatorsNana> Nite all.

[10:08:15 PM attheboutique> Rate here,

[10:08:16 PM auctionwally> Thanks Phaedra! Great job!

[10:08:16 PM katbarton> tomorrow

[10:08:19 PM] EclecticAve has left the chat

[10:08:20 PM mrsmoondog> Night all

[10:08:23 PM] mrsmoondog has left the chat

[10:08:28 PM Renagade> Song??? Can we hear the Song??

[10:08:37 PM attheboutique> Welcome Wally!!! Thank you, awesome info. DAVE!! great info!

[10:08:40 PM attheboutique> thanks!!!

[10:08:40 PM ANightOwl> night!!! Thanks Wally :-)

[10:08:41 PM] katbarton has left the chat

[10:08:45 PM auctionwally> YOu didn’t hear it?

[10:08:47 PM attheboutique> Song is playing, wooo hoo

[10:08:53 PM] TatorsNana has left the chat

[10:09:01 PM Frolicnymph> Waaaa! No one stopped by to pick me up. nan just reminded me. Bye everyone!!

[10:09:04 PM Renagade> got it!

[10:09:24 PM] oakIslandBoutique has left the chat

[10:09:25 PM attheboutique> Wally is going to try to set up the email reminders for show

[10:09:29 PM] wildflowerdesigns has left the chat

[10:09:35 PM Renagade> hiccuppy …but still got it!

[10:09:53 PM] The recording has ended.

[10:10:00 PM attheboutique> Can’t wait for that auction, January 24th, 1pm

[10:10:01 PM] Sinfuldreams has left the chat

[10:10:05 PM] tfmurphhk has left the chat

[10:10:16 PM auctionwally> Ren you mean like drunk. Right?

[10:10:19 PM] attheboutique has hung up

[10:10:25 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[10:10:26 PM californiatreasures> okay..see ya all later ..back to listing

[10:10:28 PM] californiatreasures has left the chat

[10:10:32 PM Renagade> LOL ..yep!

[10:10:37 PM Frolicnymph> That would be rich. my own personal Assistant. :) Thanks Wally.

[10:10:38 PM attheboutique> lol

[10:10:39 PM auctionwally> Lol.

[10:10:48 PM attheboutique> Wally, Kat wants you to be her ring guy

[10:10:49 PM Renagade> way too funny on this slllooowww connection

[10:10:53 PM attheboutique> didn’t get to that question, lol

[10:11:17 PM auctionwally> I’m usually for hire.

[10:11:29 PM auctionwally> Hey Mitzi!

[10:11:36 PM attheboutique> lol

[10:11:37 PM] Guest 31 has left the chat

[10:11:46 PM] Guest 21 has left the chat

[10:11:50 PM attheboutique> Great show Wally, truly awesome!

[10:12:20 PM Frolicnymph> Where do you live? Need some one to remind me and come by and do my listing. :)

[10:12:34 PM auctionwally> Thanks so much! They are easy! I’ve got two great co-hosts on this and the AWS!

[10:12:40 PM Renagade> Another great one as always, Thanks so much for doing this…

[10:12:42 PM auctionwally> How can I go wrong.

[10:12:47 PM attheboutique> Mitzi is the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[10:13:17 PM Frolicnymph> Since i missed it…where can I go to listen to what I missed?

[10:13:22 PM auctionwally> She’s a Retromaniac!

[10:13:25 PM] vintagegoodness has left the chat

[10:13:32 PM attheboutique> there you go, Frolic

[10:13:40 PM auctionwally> But frolic…

[10:13:41 PM Renagade> You BOTH are Phaedra… you and Mitzi! Wally needs someone to keep him straight!

[10:13:48 PM attheboutique> and show notes are here

[10:13:49 PM auctionwally> that won’t be posted for a bit.

[10:14:03 PM auctionwally> It takes a while to get into the archived.

[10:14:06 PM] ANightOwl has left the chat

[10:14:07 PM attheboutique> thankies, Ren.

[10:14:23 PM] Guest 32 is logged into the chat

[10:14:26 PM Renagade> night Ya’ll….

[10:14:28 PM attheboutique> I have to go, will be on twitter, thanks again everyone, have a great night!

[10:14:33 PM] attheboutique has left the chat

[10:14:38 PM] Renagade has left the chat

[10:14:43 PM auctionwally> Shooot, if you think two charming women are enough to do that Renegade,… you don’t know anything about auctioneers!

[10:14:58 PM auctionwally> Thanks Phaedra.

[10:15:25 PM] auctionwally has hung up

[10:15:26 PM Frolicnymph> Thanks Boutique!

[10:15:37 PM] The Call has ended.

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