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Monday, February 16, 2009

ep10 Brainstorming Bonanzle show notes - Branding

If your new here, these show notes are the chat archive from episode 1 of Brainstorming Bonanzle, an online radio show which you can listen to right here.

I like to think of these show notes as evolving directory of the movers and shakers on Bonanzle, what they're experts in, and what they're talking about.

Scroll the conversation as it surrounds the companion audio podcast. While to the untrained eye, this can look like gibberish, if you know what you looking for, it's extremely relevant content to the subject at had.

These notes serve several purposes:

  • They make an excellent ongoing reference library of the brainstorming content we cover on the show.
  • The links entered by the people in the chat, provide even further usefullness as you learn who is an expert in what, and what lines of products and services they specialize in.
  • The SEO juice is tremendous due to the thousands of keywords entered with every set of show notes, which match up perfectly with the conversation in each episode. Search engines love it when you send the to the information you say your going to send them to!
  • Taken in or out of context, they can be pretty damn funny!

Each episode can be listened to in the player right here on this site, or found at
By the way, if you visit us at that link, please consider following and rating the show. Thanks

I like to think of these show notes as evolving directory of the movers and shakers on Bonanzle, what they're experts in, and what they're talking about.

Scroll the conversation as it surrounds the companion audio podcast. While to the untrained eye, this can look like gibberish, if you know what you looking for, it's extremely relevant content to the subject at had.

These notes serve several purposes:

  • They make an excellent ongoing reference library of the brainstorming content we cover on the show.
  • The links entered by the people in the chat, provide even further usefullness as you learn who is an expert in what, and what lines of products and services they specialize in.
  • The SEO juice is tremendous due to the thousands of keywords entered with every set of show notes, which match up perfectly with the conversation in each episode. Search engines love it when you send the to the information you say your going to send them to!
  • Taken in or out of context, they can be pretty damn funny!

Each episode can be listened to in the player right here on this site, or found at
By the way, if you visit us at that link, please consider following and rating the show. Thanks

[7:59:43 PM] auctionwally is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] attheboutique is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] oldsaltsailor is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] vintagegoodness is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] BrightestBlessings is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] bleumoonsattic is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] Guest 6 is logged into the chat

[7:59:43 PM] Renagade is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] SunflowerBoutique is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] sistahqueen is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] ebay & Beyond is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] SharsBoutique is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] phoenix2000 is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] GildedELegance is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] Guest 7 is logged into the chat

[7:59:44 PM] joestreasures is logged into the chat

[7:59:52 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[7:59:52 PM bleumoonsattic> coffee & chocolate, what more could one want?

[7:59:56 PM] auctionwally is on the call

[8:00:00 PM] The recording has started.

[8:00:02 PM attheboutique> yum, perfect combination

[8:00:06 PM] oakIslandBoutique is logged into the chat

[8:00:06 PM BrightestBlessings> Nothing more, is there something more?

[8:00:11 PM ebay & Beyond> BrightestBlessings, you better have enough to share!

[8:00:15 PM Renagade> a shot of baileys

[8:00:15 PM] KimsKorner is logged into the chat

[8:00:18 PM] GildedELegance has left the chat

[8:00:38 PM BrightestBlessings> a couple of shots for Thursday!

[8:00:42 PM] GildedELegance is logged into the chat

[8:00:52 PM Renagade> LOL true!

[8:00:55 PM] attheboutique is on the call

[8:00:59 PM KimsKorner> I made it :) trying to get a lot of listings up tonight so I am a busy bee

[8:01:17 PM attheboutique> No worries :)

[8:01:22 PM] enngga is logged into the chat

[8:01:35 PM enngga> Hello everybody

[8:01:41 PM attheboutique> Hey enngga

[8:01:50 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey enngga!

[8:01:55 PM GildedELegance> Hello

[8:01:55 PM vintagegoodness> hey everyone :)

[8:01:57 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:01:59 PM] Bead Bowl is logged into the chat

[8:02:00 PM] ShakeandBakeTrading is logged into the chat

[8:02:00 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:02:02 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey Mitzi!

[8:02:05 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:02:07 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:02:09 PM SunflowerBoutique> I do some branding every calving season

[8:02:16 PM oakIslandBoutique> Hello everyone!

[8:02:20 PM attheboutique> lol, Sunflower

[8:02:23 PM] bleumoonsattic has left the chat

[8:02:24 PM] bleumoonsattic is logged into the chat

[8:02:26 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[8:02:27 PM Renagade> LOL

[8:02:31 PM vintagegoodness> who said coffee and chocolate?

[8:02:33 PM vintagegoodness> EVIL

[8:02:37 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:02:39 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:02:40 PM ebay & Beyond> Great post on making google place nice Walt!

[8:02:42 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:02:44 PM BrightestBlessings> evil?

[8:02:45 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:02:51 PM vintagegoodness> EVIL

[8:02:53 PM vintagegoodness> ;)

[8:03:02 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[8:03:04 PM] Guest 8 is logged into the chat

[8:03:06 PM vintagegoodness> lol

[8:03:09 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, I think I’m back. I keep getting a runtime error and booted off. grrrr

[8:03:20 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:03:21 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:03:28 PM] katbarton is logged into the chat

[8:03:28 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:03:29 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:03:46 PM] Guest 8 has left the chat

[8:03:49 PM vintagegoodness> i’m excited for the show, one of my fave topics!

[8:03:55 PM katbarton> Hi guys!

[8:03:59 PM vintagegoodness> i’ll be listening as i work as always :)

[8:04:14 PM Guest 7> will we be able to listen to the recorded LIVE version later?

[8:04:22 PM BrightestBlessings> YES she did! So exciting! :)

[8:04:23 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Hey Salt, hey Mitsi

[8:04:30 PM Renagade> mine too lot to learn about…still learning!

[8:04:36 PM] EclecticAve is logged into the chat

[8:04:51 PM vintagegoodness> wow Phaedra - congrats!!!

[8:04:53 PM Bead Bowl> Way to go Phaedra!

[8:05:02 PM GildedELegance> Yea !!!! You go Girlfriend. Congrats

[8:05:08 PM vintagegoodness> yes Guest 7 all shows are saved as a recording in the archives

[8:05:15 PM oakIslandBoutique> Congrats Phaedra!!

[8:05:27 PM bleumoonsattic> I am so excited for you Phaedra!

[8:05:32 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Hey Mitzi, it’s me John Zee

[8:05:37 PM katbarton> Congrats!

[8:05:37 PM] Guest 9 is logged into the chat

[8:05:41 PM vintagegoodness> hi johnZee!

[8:05:41 PM GildedELegance> Hunters need dirt soap !!!! LOL

[8:05:50 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> new name

[8:05:55 PM vintagegoodness> i love it :)

[8:06:12 PM EclecticAve> Congrats too even know I missed what it is for :)

[8:06:26 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[8:06:31 PM sistahqueen> …..

[8:06:50 PM vintagegoodness> ok i really gotta get back to work… i’ll be back later tho :)

[8:06:53 PM EclecticAve> I mean even though not even know…hehehe

[8:06:53 PM] ibbysjewels is logged into the chat

[8:06:56 PM] Cheyenne2u is logged into the chat

[8:07:01 PM] TubbyPuppy is logged into the chat

[8:07:20 PM Guest 7> thanks VG

[8:07:21 PM Cheyenne2u> Hi Everyone! :D

[8:07:27 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:07:27 PM BrightestBlessings> Hi!

[8:07:30 PM GildedELegance> Hi !!!

[8:07:49 PM Cheyenne2u> Be gentle when you use that “Brand”! :D

[8:08:00 PM ebay & Beyond> Passion and dedication show in your work Phedra!

[8:08:08 PM] SunflowerBoutique has left the chat

[8:08:08 PM] SunflowerBoutique is logged into the chat

[8:08:30 PM Guest 7> i like fast sales too! :)

[8:08:37 PM Cheyenne2u> Now that is an HONEST Seller! :D

[8:08:52 PM GildedELegance> That’s a Great Seller!

[8:08:56 PM attheboutique> Thank you Dave!

[8:09:02 PM Cheyenne2u> Hi ya Gilded! :D

[8:09:08 PM katbarton> hey guilded

[8:09:14 PM] SunflowerBoutique has left the chat

[8:09:14 PM] SunflowerBoutique is logged into the chat

[8:09:19 PM GildedELegance> Hi Ya back at you two

[8:09:27 PM Cheyenne2u> :D

[8:09:40 PM sistahqueen> ….

[8:09:58 PM ebay & Beyond> attheboutique, Just the truth!

[8:10:25 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:11:00 PM Cheyenne2u> AMEN!!!

[8:11:01 PM bleumoonsattic> Phaedra, it comes through in your messages to people. I’m recalling our conversation via email. :)

[8:11:02 PM] ibbysjewels has left the chat

[8:11:59 PM sistahqueen> he he

[8:12:14 PM attheboutique> ;) Bleu

[8:12:22 PM Cheyenne2u> Been there, done that :(

[8:12:26 PM] is logged into the chat

[8:12:34 PM SunflowerBoutique> I have 2 sleepers in my booth tonight

[8:12:47 PM katbarton> lol..sunflower

[8:12:50 PM enngga> Ha ! they are stuck

[8:13:15 PM SunflowerBoutique> they didn’t come in together so I am not tooo worried

[8:13:16 PM Cheyenne2u> LOL - Sleepers, I get them, I find they are looking and then buy! :D

[8:13:20 PM attheboutique> Hey John!

[8:13:41 PM] Guest 7 has left the chat

[8:14:03 PM attheboutique> .

[8:14:14 PM> howdy attheboutique

[8:14:21 PM Renagade> Hey John!

[8:14:24 PM attheboutique> <—–Phaedra

[8:14:34 PM GildedELegance> Hi John

[8:14:35 PM katbarton> Hi Ren

[8:14:40 PM Cheyenne2u> Clean pictures tell a LOT about a seller! :D

[8:14:50 PM] ibbysjewels is logged into the chat

[8:14:52 PM] Sinfuldreams is logged into the chat

[8:14:54 PM KimsKorner> people always call me the penny, or talking penny lol

[8:15:02 PM Cheyenne2u> Good descriptions too! :D

[8:15:02 PM Renagade> Kat ..gald you made it!

[8:15:04 PM> sneaking in to see what all the hype is about this Wally guy, LMAO

[8:15:05 PM KimsKorner> because of my avatar

[8:15:08 PM Cheyenne2u> Hi ya Kim!

[8:15:15 PM katbarton> me too, almost missed it to night

[8:15:15 PM ibbysjewels> hi all

[8:15:17 PM KimsKorner> Hi Cheyenne/Kim lol

[8:15:28 PM GildedELegance> Funny John

[8:15:29 PM sistahqueen>

[8:15:31 PM Cheyenne2u> Can’t see the penny here KimsKorner LOL :D

[8:15:40 PM oakIslandBoutique> ..

[8:15:45 PM bleumoonsattic> Kim, you are absolutely correct on clean pictures and accurate descriptions!

[8:15:52 PM Cheyenne2u> By the way - BONANZLE ROCKS!! :d

[8:16:02 PM KimsKorner> yep, but I am a follower if you look on brainstorming bonanzle followers he is there lol

[8:16:05 PM attheboutique> create a USP (unique selling proposition.)
Things to think about when creating a USP:
-What are you trying to sell?
-Who is your customer?
-How are yo

[8:16:06 PM Cheyenne2u> Awww…thank you Blue!

[8:16:31 PM GildedELegance> Very Important

[8:16:41 PM attheboutique> How are you different from your competitor?

[8:16:47 PM] ibbysjewels has left the chat

[8:16:49 PM] Guest 10 is logged into the chat

[8:16:55 PM Guest 9> ColderICE sneaking in is like an elephant in a ballet.

[8:16:58 PM Cheyenne2u> Me?????

[8:17:08 PM attheboutique> Create a logo to go with your USP. While a USP is a written statemet, a logo provides the visual image for you business.

[8:17:10 PM bleumoonsattic> good information. How am I different from any other seller of an eclectic array of items

[8:17:11 PM Cheyenne2u> Funny Guest 9! :D

[8:17:24 PM] roadpaver is logged into the chat

[8:17:34 PM GildedELegance> Be nice this is John’s first visit

[8:17:38 PM Cheyenne2u> We love you too Wally! :D

[8:17:42 PM attheboutique> post your questions like this ????then question

[8:17:44 PM Renagade> True Phadedra!

[8:18:03 PM Cheyenne2u> Sound just went out thru that Wally…

[8:18:06 PM attheboutique>

[8:18:08 PM Guest 9> But he does have the moves :-)

[8:18:11 PM Cheyenne2u> BONANZLE ROCKS!!! :d :d

[8:18:17 PM katbarton> How do you know if your Avatar is right for you?????

[8:18:23 PM TubbyPuppy> !!

[8:18:28 PM attheboutique> Ask for opinions from those you respect

[8:18:35 PM katbarton> To match the business???

[8:18:37 PM Cheyenne2u> Browsers Always Welcome 24/7!

[8:18:52 PM bleumoonsattic> heh, my hubby says he created my avatar because it reminds him of me, and it conveys the feeling of our vintage items

[8:18:58 PM] roadpaver has left the chat

[8:18:58 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:19:01 PM katbarton> hmmm…

[8:19:08 PM attheboutique>

[8:19:13 PM Cheyenne2u> Browsers Always Welcome 24/7!

[8:19:25 PM Renagade> ??????How important is a Blog to Branding

[8:19:32 PM SunflowerBoutique> I think my avatzr and banners are very branding

[8:19:35 PM GildedELegance> bleu, your avatar is you!

[8:19:39 PM attheboutique> okay, got Kat’s question and Ren’s question

[8:19:40 PM KimsKorner> OR

[8:19:45 PM] Guest 11 is logged into the chat

[8:19:51 PM bleumoonsattic> Thanks, gilded

[8:19:59 PM Cheyenne2u> Wyoming Prairie by Cheyenne2u

[8:20:20 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:20:21 PM> Hey, that is funny #9

[8:20:22 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[8:20:26 PM katbarton> soo true!

[8:20:36 PM SunflowerBoutique> I thought it was the caveman now?

[8:20:37 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> We’re always open

[8:20:49 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[8:20:53 PM Renagade> True! The Cavemen too!

[8:21:09 PM attheboutique> they have both, cavemen and gecko

[8:21:10 PM katbarton>

[8:21:10 PM attheboutique> lol

[8:21:16 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Here too

[8:21:24 PM EclecticAve> My avatar used to be my chorkie Mika Boo ..changed it when Phaedra posted a link about branding a few weeks ago :)

[8:21:26 PM] Bonanzlemark is logged into the chat

[8:21:30 PM] Bonanzlemark has left the chat

[8:21:31 PM] Bonanzlemark is logged into the chat

[8:21:32 PM Guest 9> @rrcowden twitter Hello John

[8:21:33 PM ebay & Beyond>, Who me? Funny???? Naw, not me! LOL

[8:21:42 PM GildedELegance> Sharon I love your avatar

[8:21:45 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[8:21:46 PM katbarton>

[8:22:00 PM oakIslandBoutique> Hey Mark!

[8:22:05 PM attheboutique> Heya Mark

[8:22:06 PM Bonanzlemark> Hi everyone!

[8:22:06 PM Renagade> LOL love it Guest 0

[8:22:10 PM EclecticAve> Thank you Burnita :)

[8:22:13 PM GildedELegance> Hello Mark

[8:22:15 PM bleumoonsattic> Hi Mark!

[8:22:15 PM katbarton> hello Mark!

[8:22:18 PM> Hey rrcowden and eBay & Beyond…I am trying to get over the day care wear for seniors, Oh now that is bland, LMAO

[8:22:19 PM enngga> .

[8:22:25 PM] The Savvy Seller is logged into the chat

[8:22:26 PM Bonanzlemark> Nice group we have going here!

[8:22:33 PM Renagade> Hello Mark! Honored you came to the fun!

[8:22:35 PM TubbyPuppy>

[8:22:35 PM GildedELegance> LOL John

[8:22:45 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Yo Mark

[8:22:46 PM BrightestBlessings> Hi Mark!

[8:22:47 PM attheboutique> bout to get those questions in for you all

[8:22:49 PM EclecticAve> That bear is a display piece on my jewelry table when I sell at antique shows

[8:22:51 PM katbarton> ????????????

[8:22:59 PM SunflowerBoutique> hello Mark

[8:23:00 PM katbarton> :)

[8:23:01 PM Cheyenne2u> Hi ya Mark!! :D

[8:23:08 PM] ibbysjewels is logged into the chat

[8:23:09 PM GildedELegance> Perfect !!!!!

[8:23:12 PM SunflowerBoutique> lol

[8:23:21 PM sistahqueen> wow..we is special…we got Mark…

[8:23:31 PM Cheyenne2u> Wally WATCH OUT!!! Mark is here! :D :D

[8:23:32 PM ebay & Beyond> Mark Dorsey will be our guest on ebay & Beyond: Basics to Business this coming Saturday, January 24, 2009 from 10 AM to Noon ET

[8:23:33 PM Renagade> LOL

[8:23:48 PM attheboutique> Will be there, Dave!!! definitely!!!

[8:23:49 PM Renagade> Cant wait Dave!!

[8:23:55 PM ebay & Beyond>

[8:24:01 PM GildedELegance> Be There!

[8:24:04 PM> no bonanzle store yet, but check one day when u r bored

[8:24:09 PM] Guest 12 is logged into the chat

[8:24:19 PM attheboutique> I love your blogs, John. Always good info

[8:24:25 PM Cheyenne2u> Never bored at BONANZLE! :D

[8:24:26 PM Renagade> Got it saved on my desktop..Dave you is special! LOL

[8:24:29 PM attheboutique> and your videos too, even with the dancing

[8:24:31 PM] Guest 11 has left the chat

[8:24:35 PM attheboutique> :)

[8:24:44 PM attheboutique> go Brightest!

[8:24:50 PM ebay & Beyond> Awww, thanks Renegade!

[8:24:53 PM Sinfuldreams>

[8:24:54 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:24:59 PM Renagade> John…love your blogs! Great info!

[8:25:02 PM ebay & Beyond> Opps Renagade

[8:25:05 PM EclecticAve> You are right Wally! Phaedra’s avatar got me to look in her booth when I first joined Bonanzle.

[8:25:07 PM Cheyenne2u> Got’a go - you all have a GREAT one!

[8:25:16 PM katbarton> ????so is mine vague? with going with definition of gypsy

[8:25:16 PM attheboutique> Thanks, Electic!

[8:25:18 PM> thanks dudes

[8:25:29 PM Renagade> You got it! YEAAAA! Dave!

[8:25:32 PM katbarton> seller of wares

[8:25:47 PM sistahqueen>

[8:25:50 PM KimsKorner> I have just gone by how much others have said they like it so I have not changed

[8:25:58 PM Renagade> Love the Gypsy!

[8:25:58 PM Bead Bowl> That’s me

[8:26:05 PM katbarton> lol..thanks Ren

[8:26:09 PM> ????? How often should we do sight reworks?

[8:26:11 PM katbarton> I do like it…

[8:26:13 PM Bead Bowl> Still looking

[8:26:17 PM attheboutique> Think how someone that does not know you will view your avatar

[8:26:21 PM attheboutique> Got it John

[8:26:26 PM KimsKorner> when I had tmt football one up people did not even realize it was me at first when posting

[8:26:26 PM Cheyenne2u> Browser’s Always Welcome 24/7! Come by and take a look! :D

[8:26:29 PM EclecticAve> <<<<>

[8:26:33 PM Renagade> LOVE! BBs Avatar!!!!

[8:26:44 PM TubbyPuppy> My first time on Auction Wally, this is fabulous, a lot of knowledge and a pleasure to be here.

[8:26:47 PM BrightestBlessings> Thanks Susan!

[8:26:47 PM Bead Bowl> Really?

[8:26:47 PM] bleumoonsattic has left the chat

[8:26:57 PM attheboutique> Welcome, Tubby!!!

[8:27:02 PM sistahqueen> ..

[8:27:10 PM GildedELegance> Glad to have you Tubby!

[8:27:15 PM Cheyenne2u> What about Cheyenne2u Avatar???? Buildings, Town???

[8:27:25 PM Renagade> Mystical and sexy..alluring,,,,Brings people in…good choice!

[8:27:39 PM Cheyenne2u> Eagles too Rena!

[8:27:44 PM enngga> .

[8:27:55 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:28:08 PM SunflowerBoutique> but they are soooo easy to make

[8:28:15 PM katbarton> $$$$$… to spend to make it

[8:28:23 PM attheboutique> ohhh, I am “spot” on, love it!

[8:28:25 PM Cheyenne2u> BaysDesigns does good work in Banners & Avatars - good price too!

[8:28:26 PM attheboutique> :)

[8:28:44 PM katbarton> So mune is sexy…lol..Mark wanted me to put a serpant

[8:28:50 PM katbarton> mine! lol

[8:28:53 PM Renagade> The Eagle and flag…rock and roll and USA and American is that!

[8:28:54 PM> I got a $39.95 secret …. anyone care to hear it? I do my own!

[8:29:05 PM attheboutique> yes, John, share!!!

[8:29:07 PM BrightestBlessings> Sharon is wonderful and great prices too!

[8:29:10 PM GildedELegance> Yes

[8:29:12 PM> Maybe I need to get with Mitzy

[8:29:15 PM Cheyenne2u> Yep Colder! :D

[8:29:24 PM BrightestBlessings> exactly

[8:29:27 PM Renagade> Do your own…what

[8:29:34 PM ebay & Beyond> What you do your own hair ColderIce?

[8:29:40 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[8:29:44 PM attheboutique> lmbo, Dave!

[8:29:47 PM katbarton> lmbo

[8:29:48 PM Bead Bowl> I’m afraid of making a permanent choice since I love change.

[8:29:59 PM] Guest 12 has left the chat

[8:30:05 PM] The Savvy Seller has left the chat

[8:30:06 PM] Guest 9 has left the chat

[8:30:22 PM sistahqueen>

[8:30:24 PM katbarton> ty phaedra

[8:30:29 PM katbarton> and Wally

[8:30:30 PM> Ooops it is down to $29.95 now! OMG

[8:30:34 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[8:30:44 PM] reejr123 is logged into the chat

[8:30:45 PM TubbyPuppy> I am understanding the subject which raises a question for me, I am using my avatar to advertise sales, thus chenges often, thats bad I guess?

[8:30:53 PM Renagade> Bead Bowl….with a name like that the avatar should be easy to come up with

[8:31:03 PM> Yeah, I do my own hair, hair by Shick

[8:31:12 PM EclecticAve> I read that! I changed mine because of that Phaedra!

[8:31:13 PM] The Savvy Seller is logged into the chat

[8:31:20 PM Renagade> John…dont tease me…

[8:31:22 PM] Guest 13 is logged into the chat

[8:31:23 PM Bead Bowl> So true Ren but the beads vary drastically

[8:31:24 PM TubbyPuppy> An example of using avatar to advertise.

[8:31:27 PM>

[8:31:28 PM sistahqueen>

[8:31:31 PM katbarton> we love ya’s all good

[8:31:34 PM TubbyPuppy>

[8:31:36 PM EclecticAve> Thank you for that Phaedra :)

[8:31:37 PM attheboutique> Thanks, Sharon!

[8:31:38 PM ebay & Beyond> ColderIce, and here I thought it was hair by Gillett? We love ya man!

[8:31:40 PM SunflowerBoutique> what about sunflowers? would they bring you to my booth?

[8:31:44 PM oakIslandBoutique> Soo true Phaedra

[8:31:46 PM SunflowerBoutique> lol

[8:31:49 PM Cheyenne2u> Pet avatars are ALL OVER Bonanzle! :(

[8:31:50 PM> Keep that Golden nugget to your self!

[8:31:57 PM attheboutique> If I liked sunflowers, it might

[8:32:00 PM attheboutique> lol

[8:32:06 PM> That is a advantage for the marketplaces

[8:32:08 PM Renagade> Gotta love ColderICE…

[8:32:13 PM sistahqueen> I agree about the avatars…..I see some and they are just plain creepy….

[8:32:13 PM Cheyenne2u> Avatars of children is wrong! Don’t use your children to make $$$$

[8:32:16 PM BrightestBlessings> You are so right

[8:32:25 PM katbarton> yep, no kids

[8:32:29 PM Cheyenne2u> Ditto Sista! :D

[8:32:29 PM Renagade> TRUE!!!!

[8:32:56 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[8:33:02 PM Renagade> Now UNLESS you are doing pets care

[8:33:03 PM Cheyenne2u> Still, not good to use children in the Avatar - even if you are selling childrens cloths.

[8:33:09 PM katbarton> ????????How many blogs?? lol

[8:33:13 PM katbarton> I have 5 now

[8:33:17 PM Cheyenne2u> I use my Avatar everywhere on the NET!

[8:33:20 PM attheboutique> lol, Kat, I have two

[8:33:21 PM sistahqueen>

[8:33:32 PM katbarton> my avatar everywhere

[8:33:32 PM BrightestBlessings> I have two blogs.

[8:33:45 PM TubbyPuppy> What about using avatar to advertise sales?

[8:33:45 PM attheboutique> your blog can give them insight to you, your business practices, your outlook

[8:33:46 PM> Amen, Wally is giving you a SERIOUS nugget there

[8:33:47 PM Cheyenne2u> I love to make deals! :D

[8:33:53 PM katbarton> My last blog is “Oh lord another blog”

[8:33:55 PM katbarton> lol

[8:33:56 PM] AutumnLeaves is logged into the chat

[8:34:01 PM Guest 13> Mine is a cat it the only picture i own and the dern cat signed a release to use it and I am too cheap to change the cat charged me 2 k ,

[8:34:02 PM attheboutique> Agreed, John

[8:34:15 PM Renagade> only one… new post on it tonite…

[8:34:23 PM katbarton>

[8:34:28 PM BrightestBlessings> Go Renagade!

[8:34:42 PM Renagade> finally!

[8:34:44 PM Cheyenne2u> Wyoming Prairie by Cheyenne2u People searching Wyoming are coming to my Blog! :D

[8:34:47 PM ebay & Beyond> Who does the avatars?

[8:34:49 PM attheboutique> Okay, latest blog entry, Who is Phaedra? background on me

[8:34:59 PM] Bead Bowl has left the chat

[8:35:06 PM katbarton> Love your blog Phaedra

[8:35:06 PM attheboutique> Content on blog is key

[8:35:11 PM attheboutique> Thank you, Kat!

[8:35:14 PM Renagade> title.. the economy…STINKS!

[8:35:15 PM Cheyenne2u> I agree!

[8:35:18 PM katbarton> content huh??

[8:35:20 PM] Bead Bowl is logged into the chat

[8:35:22 PM> Or you could dance like this me?!?

[8:35:27 PM katbarton> :)

[8:35:32 PM SunflowerBoutique> still have 2 sleepers, just gave them blankets and turned down the lights

[8:35:34 PM attheboutique> lmbo, John, I loved your dancing!

[8:35:37 PM katbarton> brain hurts from blogging

[8:35:43 PM BrightestBlessings>

[8:35:51 PM TubbyPuppy> Guest2 <——– if you need help with images or your avatar I would be willing to help you with one.

[8:36:04 PM sistahqueen>

[8:36:06 PM> thanks

[8:36:08 PM katbarton>

[8:36:33 PM] bleumoonsattic is logged into the chat

[8:36:35 PM Guest 13> now i am going to fire the cat

[8:36:36 PM Renagade> You can get alot of hits to your site from comments….

[8:36:39 PM> yeah, leave something and tweet it up or put a link on your facebook. we need the support and it is like our personal feedback

[8:37:00 PM BrightestBlessings>

[8:37:00 PM katbarton>

[8:37:04 PM> LMAO, yea I am insane

[8:37:10 PM katbarton> Saw that..

[8:37:15 PM ebay & Beyond> he is truly INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[8:37:17 PM Renagade> LOL dont fire…promote him from avatar to lapwarmer!

[8:37:17 PM> oh STOP

[8:37:18 PM katbarton> good job

[8:37:25 PM GildedELegance> You are a great dancer John. Saw you doing it to “Were Not Gonna Take It Anymore”

[8:37:39 PM Renagade> Love the crazy John!

[8:37:47 PM katbarton> up-date

[8:37:55 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[8:37:56 PM attheboutique> Freebie recipes for skin care and home care, don’t spend money, spa at home

[8:38:03 PM sistahqueen> ….

[8:38:12 PM> uh oh, here we go!

[8:38:22 PM attheboutique> John, put out all your links for us!

[8:38:26 PM katbarton> lol…puter is going to crash now

[8:38:29 PM katbarton> lol

[8:38:34 PM The Savvy Seller> John did a great interview with auctionwally on his colderICE podcasts!

[8:38:35 PM katbarton> no geek speak

[8:38:38 PM attheboutique> lmbo, Kat

[8:38:40 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, so I need to start a blog under bleumoonsattic. poor personal blog is going to get even more neglected

[8:38:43 PM Renagade> John has a GREAT brand…JOHN!!!

[8:38:45 PM katbarton> :)

[8:38:52 PM KimsKorner>

[8:39:01 PM attheboutique> Savvy Seller in the house!!! another person to follow and listen to in ecommerce

[8:39:02 PM> and

[8:39:07 PM ebay & Beyond> ColderIce is saying stop but his eyes say keep it coming! He loves the attention! But then again he DESERVES it!

[8:39:08 PM bleumoonsattic> so most of you use blogspot?

[8:39:18 PM The Savvy Seller> thanks - attheboutique!

[8:39:20 PM attheboutique> agreed, Dave!

[8:39:28 PM katbarton> Hi Savvy

[8:39:33 PM The Savvy Seller> hi kat!

[8:39:34 PM attheboutique> Welcome, just the facts being stated, Ma’am :)

[8:39:34 PM Renagade> talk geek to me walt…growl….

[8:39:37 PM KimsKorner> I am going to have to do another blog I guess because my blog url does not really match as to what I write I guess

[8:39:38 PM Cheyenne2u> attheboutique - I’m following your blog now! :D Thanks!

[8:39:39 PM attheboutique> lol, Ren

[8:39:48 PM attheboutique> Welcome!! Thank you!!

[8:40:01 PM] Guest 10 has left the chat

[8:40:03 PM Cheyenne2u> You’re VERY welcome!

[8:40:04 PM The Savvy Seller> bleumoon - the choice of where to put your blog depends on what you want it to do for you

[8:40:15 PM Cheyenne2u> Word Press BETTER than Blogger????

[8:40:18 PM attheboutique> very good point

[8:40:31 PM> LOL @ ebay & Beyond

[8:40:33 PM katbarton> some one said wordpress is good

[8:40:37 PM SunflowerBoutique> do you really feel a blog is an absolute necessity for success?

[8:40:39 PM bleumoonsattic> I have my own domain. Could put it there, perhaps. I use wordpress for my floral business

[8:40:40 PM The Savvy Seller> and are both for blogs but one has limitations that the other doesn’t

[8:40:41 PM> That makes much sense dude!

[8:40:59 PM] Guest 14 is logged into the chat

[8:41:00 PM katbarton> can’t hurt sunflower

[8:41:05 PM Cheyenne2u> .com has the limitations - it is the free one.

[8:41:22 PM auctionwally> Hey guys, I think everyone forgot to put link here, don’t forget they are used as shownotes.

[8:41:23 PM katbarton> .com, thanks guys

[8:41:31 PM attheboutique> where to put your blog depends on you and how it fits your business

[8:41:35 PM> Wally, that was great. And mass appeal without trending is good! I like that fine line take that u guys

[8:41:44 PM SunflowerBoutique> can’t hurt, but my plate is full with soooo much other stuff

[8:41:44 PM Cheyenne2u>

[8:41:47 PM The Savvy Seller> you’re right Cheyenne! so if you want to have affiliate links and widgets you’re limited using it - need to go w/

[8:41:50 PM katbarton>

[8:41:55 PM ShakeandBakeTrading>

[8:42:04 PM Cheyenne2u>

[8:42:10 PM attheboutique>

[8:42:13 PM attheboutique> show notes

[8:42:14 PM ShakeandBakeTrading>

[8:42:20 PM katbarton>

[8:42:21 PM bleumoonsattic>

[8:42:23 PM] reejr123 has left the chat

[8:42:24 PM] reejr123 is logged into the chat

[8:42:24 PM attheboutique> Anyone to call in tonight???????

[8:42:29 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[8:42:35 PM attheboutique> John, Dave, Savvy Seller???

[8:42:40 PM TubbyPuppy>

[8:42:41 PM attheboutique> lol, yeah called ya by name

[8:42:45 PM SunflowerBoutique>\

[8:42:52 PM Bead Bowl>

[8:42:57 PM katbarton>

[8:43:06 PM EclecticAve>

[8:43:14 PM katbarton>

[8:43:15 PM bleumoonsattic>

[8:43:16 PM Cheyenne2u> See you everyone - got to go, hubby calling this is our only evening together - Thanks Wally and everyone! :D

[8:43:17 PM> yeah, u got me scared

[8:43:18 PM The Savvy Seller> would love to call in but have to leave soon - have Scott Pooler doing a podcast for me about wordpress at 9pm

[8:43:18 PM Bead Bowl>

[8:43:20 PM Guest 13>

[8:43:27 PM] Cheyenne2u has left the chat

[8:43:33 PM katbarton>

[8:43:52 PM KimsKorner>

[8:43:53 PM katbarton> cool

[8:44:07 PM The Savvy Seller> everyone’s welcome -

[8:44:07 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[8:44:09 PM attheboutique> John, the man of no fear

[8:44:10 PM KimsKorner>

[8:44:13 PM BrightestBlessings>

[8:44:15 PM The Savvy Seller> don’t leave here

[8:44:17 PM GildedELegance>

[8:44:18 PM katbarton> not

[8:44:18 PM bleumoonsattic> lol

[8:44:26 PM TubbyPuppy> I agree with you Wally, I can’t concentrate on your call and keep up with chat.

[8:44:29 PM Guest 13> shoot me in the foot

[8:44:33 PM> wally got me all frightened..and I am scared of Pooler, so I might have to stay here!

[8:44:35 PM bleumoonsattic> Phaedra duct taped me to my chair

[8:44:36 PM] Bead Bowl has left the chat

[8:44:36 PM attheboutique> commercial time!!

[8:44:46 PM attheboutique> lol, sure did Bleu

[8:44:47 PM katbarton> LOL>.John

[8:44:51 PM] Guest 15 is logged into the chat

[8:44:53 PM sistahqueen> ….

[8:44:56 PM The Savvy Seller> coderICE - I’m gonna tell on you LOL!

[8:44:58 PM] Guest 15 has left the chat

[8:45:02 PM attheboutique> lol, John, pick up the phone, and dial, lol

[8:45:10 PM Renagade> ROFLMAO..afraid of Pooler!!

[8:45:11 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[8:45:13 PM] Bead Bowl is logged into the chat

[8:45:15 PM BrightestBlessings> more coffee and brownines?

[8:45:24 PM attheboutique> yes, Brightest do share!

[8:45:24 PM vintagegoodness> yay! thank you i love that commercial :)

[8:45:24 PM Guest 13> I thought Pooler was in DC

[8:45:25 PM> Oh you know I coming there too very soon…tell him I said HEY

[8:45:29 PM katbarton> Hi DeDe

[8:45:34 PM GildedELegance> Thanks Brightest

[8:45:36 PM] Guest 13 has left the chat

[8:45:45 PM Renagade>

[8:45:47 PM BrightestBlessings> Great now the thunderstorms are here….ughh

[8:45:56 PM BrightestBlessings> Hey Kat!

[8:45:57 PM katbarton> ugh yes

[8:46:09 PM Renagade> Hey..brownies…low fat???

[8:46:17 PM katbarton> lol..Ren

[8:46:17 PM bleumoonsattic> the shows are all recorded, right?

[8:46:22 PM katbarton> what good is that?

[8:46:31 PM BrightestBlessings> NO! you are kidding right?

[8:46:35 PM attheboutique> The Auction Wally show tomorrow night!

[8:46:39 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[8:46:41 PM joestreasures>

[8:46:44 PM Renagade> heck we have snow flurries….

[8:46:48 PM BrightestBlessings> Hi Joe!

[8:46:48 PM ebay & Beyond> Yes bleumoon all shows are archived

[8:46:52 PM katbarton> ewwww

[8:46:59 PM joestreasures> Hi :)

[8:47:07 PM] is on the call

[8:47:10 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, thanks

[8:47:24 PM attheboutique> All shows are archived, and show notes for Brainstorming Bonanzle and Auction Wally are here

[8:47:25 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[8:47:37 PM Renagade> Whoo hoo Johns on the line!

[8:47:41 PM attheboutique> Yeah!!!

[8:47:47 PM bleumoonsattic> want to hear the auctionwally ones, too. But I don’t get off work until 7:30 central Tues-Thur

[8:47:48 PM GildedELegance> Go John

[8:48:04 PM The Savvy Seller> Yeah John!!

[8:48:15 PM katbarton> John did it! lol..scary

[8:48:15 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[8:48:19 PM oakIslandBoutique> LOL

[8:48:26 PM attheboutique>

[8:48:27 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[8:48:32 PM] youngtly is logged into the chat

[8:48:38 PM The Savvy Seller> Has everyone heard the interview wally & John did on John’s podcast? Excellent!!!

[8:48:45 PM sistahqueen> lol

[8:48:56 PM attheboutique> Have to take a listen to that, link?

[8:48:56 PM Renagade> you can catch the shows and read about this show and ebayandbeyond, Agents of Revenue and Auctionwally show on my blog http://rantsravesrenagade.blogs

[8:49:57 PM katbarton> lol..

[8:50:01 PM attheboutique> John has friends???? lol

[8:50:06 PM attheboutique> ;)

[8:50:12 PM katbarton> :)

[8:50:12 PM ebay & Beyond> John pays well Walt!

[8:50:20 PM ebay & Beyond> That’s how he gets friends

[8:50:25 PM ebay & Beyond> LOL

[8:50:26 PM attheboutique> lol, Dave

[8:50:26 PM sistahqueen> so true John

[8:50:27 PM Renagade> I’ll be his friend…

[8:50:28 PM katbarton> lol

[8:50:47 PM attheboutique> will put my friendship value up for auction

[8:50:52 PM katbarton> yep yep…I agree

[8:50:58 PM katbarton> integrity

[8:51:03 PM Bead Bowl> I agree.

[8:51:08 PM] joestreasures has left the chat

[8:51:08 PM] vintagegoodness has left the chat

[8:51:09 PM] Sinfuldreams has left the chat

[8:51:11 PM GildedELegance> Honesty

[8:51:13 PM katbarton> lol..phae

[8:51:18 PM attheboutique> lol

[8:51:30 PM Renagade> My Mom says I am always befriending the lost Pups…LOL

[8:51:31 PM katbarton> can’t buy friendship

[8:51:36 PM oakIslandBoutique> starting bid??

[8:51:37 PM] The Savvy Seller has left the chat

[8:51:37 PM] The Savvy Seller is logged into the chat

[8:51:41 PM katbarton> lol…me too

[8:51:45 PM attheboutique> points: be true to self, don’t try to be something you are not, be real

[8:51:52 PM katbarton> i million

[8:51:59 PM attheboutique> .01 OakIsland, lol

[8:52:00 PM Bead Bowl> so true

[8:52:12 PM oakIslandBoutique> LOL

[8:52:16 PM ebay & Beyond> You never have to guess where John is coming from!

[8:52:23 PM] Sinfuldreams is logged into the chat

[8:52:31 PM attheboutique> Nope, you always know where he stands

[8:52:42 PM bleumoonsattic> that’s a good thing, IMHO

[8:52:44 PM BrightestBlessings> exactly

[8:52:51 PM GildedELegance> Keeps it REAL

[8:52:52 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Always better to tell the truth in business. Yo never have to struggle with remembering the last lie you told.

[8:52:53 PM katbarton> why be fake, nothing gained from it

[8:52:56 PM Renagade> you guys dont really want me to show my true self! LOL

[8:53:00 PM ebay & Beyond> Like it or leave it, he is always real!

[8:53:03 PM attheboutique> ColderICE (Internet Commerce & eBay)

[8:53:09 PM katbarton> sure we do Ren

[8:53:36 PM GildedELegance> We love ya Ren!

[8:54:00 PM bleumoonsattic> I don’t know how to be anything other than me. Sometimes gets me in trouble, though. lol

[8:54:08 PM ebay & Beyond> Amen John!

[8:54:09 PM katbarton> too

[8:54:19 PM oakIslandBoutique> exactly!!!!!!

[8:54:20 PM attheboutique> Resounding Applause!!!!!

[8:54:23 PM Renagade> the name says it all….

[8:54:26 PM katbarton> don’t cry over spilt milk

[8:54:32 PM katbarton> ta da

[8:54:33 PM GildedELegance> You tell em John

[8:54:35 PM katbarton> lol

[8:54:40 PM SunflowerBoutique> lick it up!

[8:54:41 PM Renagade> just ask anyone

[8:54:42 PM attheboutique> I am always too busy cleaning up the spill to have time to cry over it

[8:54:48 PM katbarton> rofl

[8:55:13 PM sistahqueen> lol

[8:55:26 PM] youngtly has left the chat

[8:56:00 PM katbarton> counter productive to grump

[8:56:00 PM] ibbysjewels has left the chat

[8:56:06 PM attheboutique> We Rock!!!

[8:56:12 PM bleumoonsattic> why waste energy whining when you can be working to improve your life, business, whatever!

[8:56:14 PM The Savvy Seller> Great show. Wish I could stay but I’ll catch the end on the recording!

[8:56:25 PM] The Savvy Seller has left the chat

[8:56:25 PM katbarton> by savvy

[8:56:28 PM GildedELegance> Yeah, We Rock!!

[8:56:54 PM GildedELegance> Awesome John, we would love to have you!!!

[8:56:55 PM Bonanzlemark> We are ready for you John.

[8:56:55 PM sistahqueen> so true Bleu

[8:56:59 PM katbarton> ROFL!! lol

[8:56:59 PM SunflowerBoutique> bye Bush!

[8:57:07 PM katbarton> buh bye!

[8:57:13 PM ShakeandBakeTrading> Not everyone feels that way, dude!

[8:57:14 PM SunflowerBoutique> good riddance

[8:57:25 PM sistahqueen> yeah!!

[8:57:29 PM attheboutique> sooooo……next, lol

[8:57:40 PM katbarton> lol..forward

[8:57:47 PM attheboutique> still very good points to take from this call in :)

[8:57:56 PM] ShakeandBakeTrading has left the chat

[8:58:00 PM bleumoonsattic> grassroots…we can make things happen by taking the initiative

[8:58:06 PM katbarton> great show

[8:58:22 PM ebay & Beyond> Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference

[8:58:23 PM katbarton> always take the initative

[8:58:23 PM oakIslandBoutique> later John!

[8:58:27 PM bleumoonsattic> Thanks, John!

[8:58:28 PM Bonanzlemark> Great laugh!

[8:58:28 PM] has hung up

[8:58:39 PM attheboutique> agreed, Mark, can’t help but join in

[8:58:59 PM Renagade> You have got to go and check him out!!

[8:59:17 PM> Thank you folks for being so nice to let me say a few words, you are are some fantastic guys!

[8:59:22 PM] ebay & Beyond has left the chat

[8:59:42 PM] oldsaltsailor has left the chat

[8:59:43 PM GildedELegance> Thank you John

[8:59:45 PM Renagade> John you ROCK!! Good insight always!

[8:59:48 PM bleumoonsattic> John, we will hold you too coming to Bonanzle. :)

[8:59:53 PM] sandyw1994 is logged into the chat

[8:59:58 PM> one last time, just follow me at

[9:00:17 PM GildedELegance> Already got you!

[9:00:20 PM> And of course I will follow u back as well

[9:00:24 PM auctionwally>

[9:00:25 PM Renagade> I am…I follow you everywhere! LOL

[9:00:37 PM katbarton> am I following you John?

[9:00:38 PM BrightestBlessings> Thanks John!

[9:00:42 PM bleumoonsattic> already have you on twitter. mine is

[9:00:53 PM] sandyw1994 has left the chat

[9:01:02 PM sistahqueen> ..

[9:01:09 PM> just put u on follow Salz08

[9:01:14 PM attheboutique> Live REAL Live auction, January 254th 1 pm EST

[9:01:27 PM Renagade> twitter

[9:01:31 PM bleumoonsattic> thanks, John

[9:01:33 PM attheboutique> I got you John, I am

[9:01:41 PM SunflowerBoutique> thats a long january…lol

[9:01:43 PM] SharsBoutique has left the chat

[9:01:51 PM> luv u long time renagades

[9:01:52 PM> LOL

[9:02:09 PM katbarton>

[9:02:24 PM Renagade> luv ya right back…learning alot from you…thanks!

[9:02:29 PM bleumoonsattic> still feel like this twitter following stuff has a vaguely stalker sound to it. lol

[9:02:35 PM KimsKorner>

[9:02:39 PM attheboutique> lol, Bleu

[9:02:39 PM katbarton> lol blue

[9:02:42 PM katbarton> it does

[9:02:53 PM Renagade> stalk me…go ahead..LOL

[9:02:56 PM GildedELegance> Stalk away bleu

[9:03:05 PM attheboutique> Will be auctioning ad promo on auctionwally show!

[9:03:08 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, stalker salz….that’s me!

[9:03:11 PM attheboutique> Stalk me, baby, lol

[9:03:13 PM EclecticAve> Well, I hope I am stalking everyone here :)

[9:03:15 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[9:03:20 PM> I got all of you

[9:03:25 PM> in my twitter

[9:03:25 PM Renagade> I want the records! LOL

[9:03:30 PM GildedELegance> Thanks, John

[9:03:35 PM katbarton> Oh gosh…stalkers! rofl

[9:03:36 PM] Guest 14 has left the chat

[9:03:42 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:03:47 PM Renagade> that sounds sooo bad john!

[9:03:52 PM EclecticAve> Just stalked you John..

[9:03:55 PM attheboutique> Preview time on talkshoe, just like real live auction

[9:03:56 PM katbarton> twitter twitter

[9:04:08 PM Renagade> ROFLMAO

[9:04:10 PM> LMAO you are right, it does sound kinda yuch

[9:04:12 PM attheboutique> Most hilarious sentence, “I just tweeted”

[9:04:24 PM bleumoonsattic> lmao, that is hilarious, Phaedra

[9:04:25 PM katbarton> ROFL..Oh gosh quit

[9:04:29 PM EclecticAve> LOL Phaedra

[9:04:38 PM Renagade> better that twitted…

[9:04:39 PM SunflowerBoutique> the wife don’t like it when I do that

[9:04:44 PM katbarton> shhh..have to listen to wally now

[9:04:46 PM attheboutique> So be there, on Jaunary 24th at 1pm EST!

[9:04:53 PM attheboutique> Auction Wally’s booth!

[9:04:59 PM bleumoonsattic> what day of the week is that, Phaedra?

[9:05:06 PM> OK, I am out, and make sure you let us know in Twitter too Wally…I want to hear this auction live!

[9:05:06 PM attheboutique> Saturday

[9:05:09 PM] has left the chat

[9:05:12 PM GildedELegance> Sat

[9:05:23 PM bleumoonsattic> shoot. I’ll be at the stoopid day job

[9:05:46 PM sistahqueen> ..

[9:05:49 PM] vintagegoodness is logged into the chat

[9:05:51 PM katbarton> what a bunch a twits….sheesh. lol

[9:05:55 PM Renagade> Saturday…go an catch the ebayandbeyond show …Mark Dorsey on …then go to auction..WHOOHOO

[9:05:56 PM attheboutique> I really think this will help us use the live auction on Bonanzle to it’s fullest potential

[9:05:58 PM attheboutique> lmbo, Kat

[9:06:10 PM katbarton> lol

[9:06:18 PM Sinfuldreams> You gonna serve Hot Dogs Wally?

[9:06:24 PM] sistahqueen has left the chat

[9:06:26 PM bleumoonsattic> I like the transparency to this

[9:06:29 PM katbarton> an booze

[9:06:34 PM bleumoonsattic> it really is good

[9:06:40 PM katbarton> lol..might need it

[9:06:44 PM bleumoonsattic> and if there is beer and hotdogs, even better. lol

[9:06:53 PM Sinfuldreams> lol

[9:07:09 PM Renagade> heard its a BYOB party

[9:07:13 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[9:07:13 PM attheboutique> Wally has done me the honor of taking a consignment and auctioning off one of my items too

[9:07:30 PM katbarton> boy? bring your own boy? Ren?

[9:07:30 PM GildedELegance> Cool!

[9:07:31 PM attheboutique> Will be recurring, first Saturday of each month

[9:07:35 PM bleumoonsattic> very cool

[9:07:36 PM katbarton> cool

[9:07:44 PM auctionwally>

[9:07:57 PM Renagade> Booze,beer,boy,broad….

[9:08:10 PM katbarton> yeah Phaedra, you selling my light..whats up??

[9:08:16 PM katbarton> That mine

[9:08:20 PM attheboutique> oh, I am sorry?

[9:08:24 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:08:24 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[9:08:29 PM katbarton> lol…

[9:08:33 PM Renagade> well go get it!

[9:08:37 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:08:50 PM SunflowerBoutique> lol

[9:08:52 PM katbarton> hmmm….I will when hubby not looking

[9:08:57 PM katbarton> :0

[9:09:01 PM katbarton> :)

[9:09:10 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, Kat…you sound like me.

[9:09:23 PM katbarton> :)

[9:10:04 PM] AutumnLeaves has left the chat

[9:10:23 PM attheboutique> so he will not be typing in booth chat, must listen in to chat, must be registered Bonanzle user to bid

[9:10:31 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[9:10:32 PM attheboutique> must listen in on talkshoe

[9:10:38 PM Sinfuldreams>

[9:10:52 PM katbarton> It’s the Law, that must

[9:10:54 PM Renagade> You are auctioning off with not a time limit right??

[9:10:57 PM Sinfuldreams> not much there yet

[9:11:51 PM attheboutique> yep, no time limit

[9:12:13 PM katbarton> whooo

[9:12:25 PM BrightestBlessings> bidder number?

[9:12:46 PM attheboutique> Bonanzle owns this

[9:13:09 PM katbarton> whats start bid on that light Phaedra, need to save up for open ended time

[9:13:22 PM SunflowerBoutique> owns what? this talk show?

[9:13:23 PM Renagade> bidding by chat or phone?? (audio is not too good tonite)hiccuping again

[9:13:24 PM attheboutique> no start, whatever bidders are willing to start with

[9:13:31 PM attheboutique> by chat in Bonanzle booth

[9:13:32 PM katbarton> aahhhh

[9:13:54 PM bleumoonsattic> so the bidding is in the chat window, but the audio is going on over talk shoe, correct?

[9:14:00 PM katbarton> yep

[9:14:12 PM attheboutique> yes, Wally will call the bids over the talkshoe network, just like in a live auction

[9:14:21 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, got it.

[9:14:49 PM Renagade> but the bid is going on in the booth chat…right?

[9:14:56 PM katbarton> yes Ren

[9:15:06 PM Renagade> got it

[9:15:11 PM attheboutique> okay, going to stop him ask all of these in just a sec

[9:15:24 PM attheboutique> no chatting!!! during auction!! for bidding only!!!

[9:15:57 PM SunflowerBoutique> don’t scratch your nose

[9:15:59 PM Renagade> really…no kidding Phaedra!

[9:16:09 PM katbarton> lol…sunflower

[9:16:38 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:17:20 PM attheboutique> when does the bidding end? when he says sold?

[9:17:26 PM] enngga has left the chat

[9:17:29 PM attheboutique> when he says sold!

[9:17:46 PM SunflowerBoutique> I have won a couple live auctions making motions with my hands not realizing it

[9:18:32 PM] Bead Bowl has left the chat

[9:18:53 PM] Bead Bowl is logged into the chat

[9:18:54 PM katbarton> it’s in chat…but you funny sunflower

[9:18:59 PM katbarton> I got it…

[9:19:01 PM attheboutique> this Live Auction format, does brand Bonanzle. It is the only platform this is viable on

[9:19:04 PM katbarton> seen it too

[9:19:32 PM bleumoonsattic> You are right, Phaedra. It is something completely different than say eBay or See Auctions.

[9:19:58 PM] Guest 6 has left the chat

[9:20:00 PM attheboutique> agreed, a listing auction is a different animal altogether, and Wally will be taking this to the next level for all of us

[9:20:07 PM GildedELegance> Another thing that makes Bonanzle so unique!!!

[9:20:18 PM SunflowerBoutique> so will all Bonanzlers be able to use this platform?

[9:20:24 PM katbarton> this is wonderful information

[9:20:45 PM attheboutique> there is a huge difference Listing auction vs Live auction

[9:20:56 PM attheboutique> Wally has taught me this! lol

[9:21:02 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:21:20 PM bleumoonsattic> lmao, I was just looking at the home page and thought it was showing a picture of Rx bottle and it was cake decorating supplies.

[9:21:37 PM oakIslandBoutique> lol

[9:21:44 PM attheboutique>

[9:21:54 PM attheboutique> go take a look at what will be up for auction

[9:22:13 PM bleumoonsattic> absolutely. In the auction world it is always caveat emptor

[9:23:05 PM katbarton> when it slows

[9:23:14 PM attheboutique> yes, Kat!

[9:23:26 PM katbarton> been to a lot

[9:23:38 PM attheboutique> am deprived, never attended a live auction

[9:23:44 PM katbarton> fun

[9:23:49 PM bleumoonsattic> yup. you make your money when you buy the item in the vintage/antique world

[9:23:51 PM BrightestBlessings> Oh you are!

[9:24:08 PM SunflowerBoutique> I attend live auctions at least once a week

[9:24:12 PM attheboutique> I know :( poor deprived spa lady, ohhhh, can I play on that??? lol

[9:24:20 PM katbarton> you have to Phaedra

[9:24:36 PM katbarton> yep,, play on anything that get you sale! lol

[9:24:41 PM katbarton> I’m blond

[9:24:46 PM katbarton> works for me

[9:24:51 PM attheboutique> lmbo, Kat

[9:24:56 PM katbarton> lol

[9:25:14 PM bleumoonsattic> I get a lot of mileage out of people underestimating this lil’ southern blonde gal.

[9:25:20 PM bleumoonsattic> ;)

[9:25:24 PM Renagade> dont feel bad…just attended some with friends..but had no use for the farm equiptment LOL

[9:25:32 PM katbarton> thats right blue

[9:25:40 PM attheboutique> Southern Cajun Lady, family from Georgia, born and lived in Louisiana

[9:25:42 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL Ren!

[9:25:49 PM katbarton> was a prom queen once, now I ride harley and leather

[9:25:50 PM GildedELegance> LOL Ren

[9:25:57 PM katbarton> lol…play dumb

[9:26:01 PM SunflowerBoutique> farm equipment has some great resale potential

[9:26:14 PM Renagade> GOOO Harley rider!

[9:26:21 PM katbarton> lol..Ren

[9:26:23 PM bleumoonsattic> lol

[9:26:53 PM katbarton> lol..yep

[9:27:24 PM katbarton> least i knew the end though…lol

[9:28:22 PM SunflowerBoutique> I still would like to know if this auction platform will be open to all Bonanzlers

[9:28:26 PM attheboutique> this is going to be so awesome, wait till you hear this! for me, a deprived spa lady, it sounds awsome

[9:28:33 PM attheboutique> Yes, Sun open to all registered Bonanzle users

[9:28:49 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:29:20 PM SunflowerBoutique> so I can do my own auction with this platform using talkshoe/Bonanzle chat?

[9:29:33 PM katbarton> yep sunflower

[9:29:38 PM attheboutique> I think you can :)

[9:30:06 PM Sinfuldreams> 10

[9:30:09 PM katbarton> oh..whoops, not sure about talkshoe…but you can do auction

[9:30:18 PM Sinfuldreams> ok 25

[9:30:28 PM attheboutique> see how that happened??? lol, started at 100 then went where it went to get a starting bid

[9:30:40 PM attheboutique> I could never talk that fast!

[9:31:09 PM SunflowerBoutique> add another item with it

[9:31:11 PM Renagade> Thats the yankee in him coming out Phaedra

[9:31:19 PM attheboutique> lol,Ren!

[9:31:23 PM katbarton> lol..Ren sure is

[9:31:24 PM Sinfuldreams> I’ll always start if no bids are comming

[9:31:41 PM attheboutique> I could listen to that forever, lol

[9:31:52 PM katbarton> ????what are increments??

[9:31:59 PM katbarton> How does that work?

[9:32:02 PM Renagade> you ought to hear me…after I talk to family back home!

[9:32:03 PM attheboutique> Set increments?

[9:32:05 PM katbarton> the increments

[9:32:08 PM katbarton> yep

[9:32:10 PM attheboutique> ohhh, good question

[9:32:32 PM katbarton> I have them once in awhile

[9:32:36 PM katbarton> :)

[9:32:45 PM bleumoonsattic> seen that happen before

[9:32:47 PM Sinfuldreams> GOOD

[9:32:48 PM Bead Bowl> good information

[9:32:57 PM bleumoonsattic> and then the people are all shocked

[9:33:14 PM attheboutique> mix up your items too, don’t put all the best up first

[9:33:45 PM Sinfuldreams> When ever I start a Bid for a Dollar it always goes for 3 or 4

[9:33:46 PM katbarton> ya ya Phaedra…remeber what I wrote you…did undesirable 1st

[9:33:49 PM bleumoonsattic> exactly, Phaedra. That is one of the great things about the new ability to set our sort order on our items at Bonanzle.

[9:34:00 PM Sinfuldreams> I never worry about it

[9:34:32 PM Renagade> thats my next to do on my list Bleu

[9:34:34 PM attheboutique> all that rhyming, sheesh, lol

[9:34:36 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[9:34:54 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, me too Ren. I was supposed to do it this afternoon, but life got in the way.

[9:35:30 PM Renagade> Life?? whats that?? LOL

[9:35:36 PM] Guest 16 is logged into the chat

[9:36:20 PM attheboutique> okay get your links in here! the show notes have been getting some google love!

[9:36:27 PM bleumoonsattic> heh, mine involved both my 84 year old dad and 6 year old granddaughter today. nuff said, lol

[9:36:28 PM Renagade> Good luck on that part Walt!

[9:36:34 PM BrightestBlessings>

[9:36:39 PM Sinfuldreams>

[9:36:40 PM katbarton>

[9:36:41 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:36:51 PM SunflowerBoutique> the wife is always asking me what the bid is at…lol

[9:36:51 PM attheboutique>

[9:36:53 PM TubbyPuppy>

[9:36:54 PM Bead Bowl>

[9:36:56 PM katbarton>

[9:37:01 PM attheboutique> on your way out, please follow and rate the show

[9:37:11 PM katbarton>

[9:37:13 PM BrightestBlessings> Great banners and avatars!

[9:37:14 PM attheboutique>

[9:37:21 PM bleumoonsattic>

[9:37:23 PM Renagade> Everyone…I have been adding lots of things! Stop by

[9:37:27 PM katbarton>

[9:37:40 PM attheboutique>

[9:37:41 PM SunflowerBoutique>

[9:37:44 PM bleumoonsattic>

[9:37:45 PM katbarton>

[9:37:46 PM BrightestBlessings>

[9:37:54 PM attheboutique>

[9:38:02 PM attheboutique>

[9:38:03 PM katbarton>

[9:38:04 PM GildedELegance>

[9:38:12 PM BrightestBlessings>

[9:38:15 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:38:16 PM attheboutique> show notes

[9:38:20 PM bleumoonsattic>

[9:38:43 PM attheboutique> I always appreciate comments on my blogs :)

[9:39:01 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:39:05 PM katbarton> Have to figure out how to do that Phaedra…went there

[9:39:12 PM Sinfuldreams> 1st guy who figures a way to peddle Hot Dogs and Coke at one of these should make a fortune

[9:39:13 PM attheboutique> January 24th 1pm EST,

[9:39:14 PM Renagade> Check out my blog Same here…comments are welcomed!

[9:39:14 PM katbarton> couldn’t find where to do it

[9:39:23 PM attheboutique> at bottom of post, click comment

[9:39:33 PM katbarton> kk, thanks

[9:39:38 PM attheboutique> welcome :)

[9:39:48 PM katbarton> I’ll figure it out

[9:39:55 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, sinful

[9:40:03 PM Sinfuldreams> :)

[9:40:17 PM Renagade>

[9:40:26 PM bleumoonsattic> round my parts it’s chicken & dumplings and homemade pie at the auctions

[9:40:36 PM Sinfuldreams> Dang

[9:40:39 PM attheboutique> here it is gumbo, yummm

[9:40:41 PM bleumoonsattic> can you tell I’m from the south?

[9:40:47 PM Sinfuldreams> I want to go to one those auctions!

[9:40:47 PM katbarton> micro brew, and brauts up here in seattle

[9:40:55 PM Sinfuldreams> kinda

[9:41:05 PM Sinfuldreams> it’s that Text Drawl

[9:41:07 PM katbarton> or

[9:41:13 PM bleumoonsattic> Arkansas here

[9:41:16 PM SunflowerBoutique> Bible & brats here

[9:41:22 PM Sinfuldreams> Minnesota

[9:41:28 PM Renagade>

[9:41:38 PM EclecticAve> If the auction is in my backyard, it’s lumpia, pansit and Filipino barbecue :)

[9:41:43 PM attheboutique> crawfish, gumbo, and Lagnaippe here

[9:41:44 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:41:50 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, I’ve been told I type southern

[9:41:52 PM katbarton> ohhh yum Eclectic

[9:42:05 PM Renagade> micro brew??? brauts??? I am on my way!

[9:42:14 PM Sinfuldreams> lol

[9:42:15 PM katbarton> sorry phaedra but i have to say ick

[9:42:21 PM attheboutique> lol, Kat

[9:42:23 PM katbarton> lol…kk, Ren

[9:42:27 PM katbarton> :)

[9:42:35 PM bleumoonsattic> love the gumbo, can leave the crawfish though

[9:42:43 PM EclecticAve> Thanks Kat, it is..crap I’m hungry!

[9:42:44 PM katbarton> my hubby would like it though

[9:42:50 PM attheboutique> am pumped ready for the auction wally live auction!

[9:42:51 PM katbarton> lol…

[9:43:06 PM SunflowerBoutique> go to lots of live auctions and watch and buy

[9:43:08 PM attheboutique> Bonanzle owns the live auction!

[9:43:17 PM Renagade> here it would be a BBQ goat and lots of bourbon and beer!

[9:43:20 PM katbarton> Yesssss!!!!!!!!!

[9:43:26 PM SunflowerBoutique> lol

[9:43:30 PM bleumoonsattic> sunflower, I love to people watch and auctions are perfect for that

[9:43:36 PM SunflowerBoutique> yummy BBQ goat

[9:43:37 PM katbarton> goat?? lol…I was saying yess to bonanzle

[9:43:42 PM katbarton> ick

[9:43:43 PM bleumoonsattic> heh

[9:43:55 PM EclecticAve> the very first thing I sold online came from an auction

[9:44:01 PM Renagade> no…goat yummmm

[9:44:07 PM Sinfuldreams> cool

[9:44:14 PM katbarton> guess theres a reason for the burbon and beer

[9:44:30 PM katbarton> that like sheep balls?

[9:44:32 PM SunflowerBoutique> boiler makers

[9:44:35 PM bleumoonsattic> sold a bottle at auction on eBay for $1100.00 once. Biggest high I’d had in decades, lol

[9:44:41 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL Kat!

[9:44:51 PM Sinfuldreams> dang

[9:44:56 PM katbarton> shhh..I didn’t say that

[9:44:59 PM Renagade> LOL

[9:45:09 PM Renagade> wow Blue!

[9:45:23 PM bleumoonsattic> shhh, I bout wet myself. lol

[9:45:35 PM katbarton> oh man,..too funny

[9:45:37 PM attheboutique> lol

[9:45:42 PM Sinfuldreams> <<<>

[9:45:45 PM bleumoonsattic> it went up over $400 in the last 3 minutes

[9:45:47 PM katbarton> this goes on a public site huys!

[9:45:48 PM bleumoonsattic> lol

[9:45:52 PM katbarton> guys! lol

[9:45:54 PM bleumoonsattic> oops

[9:46:03 PM katbarton> lol…funny

[9:46:05 PM Bead Bowl> Major sale Bleu

[9:46:11 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[9:46:22 PM katbarton> yep we get lots of stalkers now

[9:46:36 PM bleumoonsattic> too funny, Kat

[9:46:40 PM] Guest 17 is logged into the chat

[9:46:41 PM Sinfuldreams> no ones stalkin me :(

[9:46:42 PM katbarton> :0

[9:46:51 PM katbarton> :)

[9:46:52 PM Bead Bowl> kat you see ghosts though

[9:46:58 PM katbarton> long as they buy let them

[9:46:59 PM Renagade> and thats dIts just the Yankee in him

[9:47:04 PM katbarton> I doo..

[9:47:09 PM] oakIslandBoutique has left the chat

[9:47:12 PM katbarton> ones

[9:47:19 PM Bead Bowl> yes lol

[9:47:23 PM bleumoonsattic> blue ghosts?

[9:47:32 PM attheboutique> Establish a brand

[9:47:34 PM katbarton> maybe should auction the ghost

[9:47:36 PM SunflowerBoutique> ghosts on Bonanzle?

[9:47:44 PM katbarton> lol..Mark fixed it

[9:47:50 PM] oakIslandBoutique is logged into the chat

[9:47:50 PM attheboutique> Connecting the branding dots

[9:47:54 PM katbarton> scared him away

[9:47:55 PM Bead Bowl> think it’ll make him go away?

[9:48:06 PM bleumoonsattic> ooooo, Kat! That might be a heck of a way for the boyz to raise some major $$$$’s

[9:48:24 PM Bead Bowl> thanks for the link Phaedra

[9:48:35 PM katbarton> Yeah, then we have big bash in Kirkland or seattle for one yeear anniversary

[9:48:41 PM Renagade> Dont tell me they got rid of ghost!

[9:48:49 PM katbarton> have outfit already picked out for it

[9:48:52 PM attheboutique> How to brand your business using ten action steps

[9:48:55 PM Bead Bowl> The ghost lives in kats booth

[9:48:57 PM attheboutique> welcome!

[9:48:59 PM katbarton> no just my ghost

[9:49:03 PM BrightestBlessings> No ghost is still there.

[9:49:10 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[9:49:17 PM Renagade> oh…whew

[9:49:25 PM katbarton> It my stalker

[9:49:27 PM BrightestBlessings> He even has his own booth.

[9:49:35 PM Sinfuldreams> lol

[9:49:42 PM Bead Bowl> oh well he makes his rounds then

[9:49:59 PM attheboutique> ghost booth,

[9:50:04 PM katbarton> lol..he comes home with me once in while

[9:50:06 PM Renagade> I love Ghost…he is kewl

[9:50:10 PM GildedELegance> You can buy stuff from him!

[9:50:17 PM katbarton> lol…

[9:50:18 PM bleumoonsattic> makes us even more unique

[9:50:20 PM attheboutique> some great tag gable items,

[9:50:23 PM Bead Bowl> Thanks, now i have his address

[9:50:24 PM bleumoonsattic> our own site ghost

[9:50:34 PM GildedELegance> Bonanzle memberships!

[9:51:09 PM EclecticAve> I agree Phaedra!

[9:51:10 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[9:51:20 PM] Guest 17 has left the chat

[9:51:22 PM BrightestBlessings> Is so important!

[9:51:31 PM bleumoonsattic> Attitudes are contagious. Is your’s worth catching?

[9:51:33 PM Bead Bowl> I stalk positive people

[9:51:59 PM katbarton> I always positive

[9:52:06 PM Renagade> I got plenty of attitude to go around! LOL

[9:52:07 PM katbarton> and contagious

[9:52:13 PM Bead Bowl> yes you do ren

[9:52:17 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[9:52:18 PM EclecticAve> That is why I just do not just favorite anyone like people have been doing, unless I like their items..

[9:52:41 PM Bead Bowl> But i can see the beauty in booths I may not have thought to visit

[9:52:45 PM katbarton> thats true Electic

[9:53:03 PM GildedELegance> So true Eclectic!!!!

[9:53:07 PM katbarton> But 21000 users I have a lot of favs

[9:53:15 PM Bead Bowl> true dat kat

[9:53:17 PM EclecticAve> So true Kat. They have ruined the idea of favoriting one’s booth

[9:53:19 PM katbarton> yep

[9:53:37 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[9:53:39 PM attheboutique>

[9:53:44 PM Renagade> in the interent world…your name is IT! Be careful how you use it!

[9:53:47 PM katbarton> lol

[9:53:53 PM attheboutique> well said, Ren!!!!!

[9:54:16 PM katbarton> mean I can’t say sheep balls Ren??

[9:54:25 PM Renagade> Read it sober….

[9:54:30 PM katbarton> lol

[9:54:35 PM BrightestBlessings> Very good at it!

[9:54:39 PM Renagade> ROFLMAO

[9:54:47 PM katbarton> :)

[9:54:49 PM bleumoonsattic> Ok…I will work on staying out of the quarrels forums this week.

[9:54:58 PM Bead Bowl> lol bleu

[9:54:59 PM katbarton> no QUARRELS

[9:55:04 PM katbarton> bad bad bad

[9:55:09 PM katbarton> lol

[9:55:14 PM] Guest 16 has left the chat

[9:55:42 PM bleumoonsattic> but, I have really met some astute people there…

[9:55:46 PM Bead Bowl> Question, what are the 21000 doing

[9:55:56 PM katbarton> selling

[9:56:03 PM katbarton> I buying

[9:56:07 PM katbarton> good at it

[9:56:29 PM bleumoonsattic> only about 1/3 of the 21000 have booths, so there are people registering as buyers too

[9:56:35 PM attheboutique> ohhhh, secret time

[9:56:38 PM katbarton> thats right

[9:56:45 PM Sinfuldreams>

[9:56:46 PM katbarton> what secret…

[9:56:54 PM Sinfuldreams> go there then kat

[9:57:01 PM katbarton> lol..kk

[9:57:02 PM Renagade> no I think the buyers are coming…most of my sales are coming in and buying that day…..

[9:57:03 PM Sinfuldreams> :)

[9:57:12 PM katbarton> mine to Ren

[9:57:39 PM attheboutique> no blabbing!

[9:57:39 PM oakIslandBoutique> mine to

[9:57:46 PM] SunflowerBoutique has left the chat

[9:57:47 PM] GildedELegance has left the chat

[9:57:54 PM bleumoonsattic> ack, audio cut out

[9:57:55 PM] Bead Bowl has left the chat

[9:57:56 PM] Bead Bowl is logged into the chat

[9:57:58 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, back

[9:58:11 PM katbarton> google profile

[9:58:13 PM attheboutique> google alerts!

[9:58:19 PM attheboutique> set up one for your id

[9:58:24 PM katbarton> we are guessing here

[9:58:39 PM Renagade> love the alerts

[9:58:50 PM attheboutique> use google alerts, set one up for your id, bonanzle or anything you have interest in

[9:58:58 PM katbarton> cool

[9:59:01 PM katbarton> yep

[9:59:06 PM] SunflowerBoutique is logged into the chat

[9:59:24 PM attheboutique>

[9:59:35 PM bleumoonsattic> thanks, Phaedra

[9:59:41 PM attheboutique> Welcome :)

[9:59:46 PM] GildedELegance is logged into the chat

[9:59:52 PM EclecticAve> Phaedra! Now it will be out there !!!

[10:00:05 PM attheboutique> :)

[10:00:13 PM EclecticAve> LOL! I thought we are keeping it on the downlow

[10:00:14 PM Bead Bowl> thanks phaedra

[10:00:16 PM SunflowerBoutique> I find other sites selling my items from the other venues I sell on when I google my name

[10:00:18 PM katbarton> ty phaedra

[10:00:35 PM katbarton> ut oh sunflower

[10:00:36 PM attheboutique> all welcome, will work for chocolate :)

[10:00:43 PM bleumoonsattic> heh

[10:00:53 PM katbarton> lol..I have chocolate..homeade

[10:01:09 PM oakIslandBoutique> bookmarked it..

[10:01:14 PM bleumoonsattic> good information

[10:01:19 PM SunflowerBoutique> I don’t care, if they want to buy my items and re-sell them for more that is ok with me

[10:01:24 PM attheboutique> I have one set up for bonanzle and attheboutique

[10:01:45 PM BrightestBlessings> I have several set up.

[10:01:50 PM Bead Bowl> excellent tool

[10:01:52 PM Renagade> same with me Sunflower ….

[10:02:15 PM katbarton> Just bookmared

[10:02:18 PM GildedELegance> Thanks Walt

[10:02:38 PM bleumoonsattic> scammers will try posting your items as if they are their own to sell and collect the money, but never send the item. Used to happen a lot of ebay

[10:02:46 PM BrightestBlessings> I have mine for when they happen

[10:02:54 PM Renagade> got a couple going…need to set up a few more…

[10:02:57 PM bleumoonsattic> can’t send the item, because they never had it

[10:03:00 PM Bead Bowl> I’ve seen my pics used on two other sites

[10:03:19 PM BrightestBlessings> Renagades blog just come in about an hour ago.

[10:03:38 PM Renagade> kewl

[10:03:45 PM SunflowerBoutique> doesn’t affect me, if they want to do that with my items it is on them…lol

[10:03:46 PM oakIslandBoutique> lol

[10:04:03 PM BrightestBlessings> LOL

[10:04:06 PM Bead Bowl> thanks wally

[10:04:09 PM bleumoonsattic> but it can affect you, Sunflower. If they do a search for the item and come up with you

[10:04:16 PM SunflowerBoutique> thanks Wally

[10:04:17 PM attheboutique> thanks Wally!!!

[10:04:17 PM Bead Bowl> right

[10:04:26 PM katbarton> Thank you Wally

[10:04:31 PM BrightestBlessings> Thanks Auction Wally for all that you do and continue to do!

[10:04:33 PM katbarton> Great Show

[10:04:36 PM oakIslandBoutique> Thanks Wally!!!

[10:04:39 PM SunflowerBoutique> but it is on their site, not mine

[10:04:45 PM Bead Bowl> You rock Dede

[10:04:49 PM EclecticAve> Thank you Wally and Phaedra!!!

[10:04:52 PM TubbyPuppy> Thank you Wally

[10:04:55 PM GildedELegance> Good Night Everyone, enjoyed it as always. Great information!!!

[10:05:06 PM bleumoonsattic> lots of great information here. Can’t wait to try and implement some of it

[10:05:10 PM Renagade> OMG!!! and we all a hanging out here!!

[10:05:18 PM katbarton> Good night every one

[10:05:22 PM BrightestBlessings> Thank You!

[10:05:23 PM bleumoonsattic> g’night Burnita

[10:05:24 PM Sinfuldreams> good show thanks Wally

[10:05:26 PM attheboutique> Welcome all!!!

[10:05:43 PM SunflowerBoutique> see ya all back on the Bonanzle…

[10:05:44 PM attheboutique> Have a wonderful night, now go forth and brand!!! lol

[10:05:45 PM GildedELegance> Nite, Sallie

[10:05:46 PM katbarton> Thank you Phaedra, A pleasure as usual

[10:05:47 PM EclecticAve> nyte Burnita

[10:05:54 PM attheboutique> :)

[10:05:54 PM Renagade> Love the shorter hair Walt…lookin good!

[10:05:55 PM katbarton> Night John boy

[10:05:57 PM] SunflowerBoutique has left the chat

[10:05:59 PM Bead Bowl> Thank you too Phaedra. I’ll be stalking you soon :)

[10:06:02 PM katbarton> Night Maryellen

[10:06:03 PM bleumoonsattic> lol, Kat

[10:06:04 PM GildedELegance> Nite Sharon

[10:06:07 PM katbarton> LOL…

[10:06:12 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[10:06:15 PM katbarton> Night DeDe

[10:06:19 PM Bead Bowl> Nite everyone!

[10:06:22 PM katbarton> Night Guilded

[10:06:25 PM GildedELegance> Nite Dede

[10:06:26 PM attheboutique> ohhh, feel special worth stalking!!!

[10:06:27 PM BrightestBlessings> They are on top of everything!

[10:06:33 PM GildedELegance> Nite Kat

[10:06:35 PM katbarton> Night Mark and Ren and the rest of you]

[10:06:42 PM bleumoonsattic> they really are. and it is an amazing site

[10:06:46 PM GildedELegance> Nite Mark and Ren

[10:06:52 PM Renagade> Walt, you dont know how much you have energized the Bonanzle crowd!!

[10:06:59 PM Sinfuldreams> nite

[10:07:00 PM Renagade> Night Kat!

[10:07:06 PM katbarton> Night Ren

[10:07:16 PM TubbyPuppy> Nice job attheboboutique, thank you also.

[10:07:26 PM katbarton> Thank you both of you

[10:07:27 PM EclecticAve> Night everyone!!!

[10:07:33 PM attheboutique> Thanks, Tubby, always welcome, just Phaedra here :)

[10:07:41 PM GildedELegance> Thanks Walt and Phaedra!!!!!!

[10:07:42 PM bleumoonsattic> absolutely, Walt.

[10:07:44 PM attheboutique> Night all!!!! Brand Brand Brand!!!!!!

[10:07:46 PM TubbyPuppy> Ooooops attheboutique

[10:07:51 PM bleumoonsattic> the simplicity is awesome

[10:07:58 PM BrightestBlessings> You are so right!

[10:08:07 PM katbarton> It’s the bolgs that are sstressful…lol

[10:08:13 PM bleumoonsattic> lol

[10:08:14 PM katbarton> not the site

[10:08:22 PM attheboutique> nahhh, Kat it evolves like all else does

[10:08:32 PM KimsKorner> I have been listening but chat has been missing for me for a while now

[10:08:33 PM katbarton> yeah…I know…

[10:08:37 PM katbarton> :0

[10:08:40 PM katbarton> :)

[10:08:43 PM EclecticAve> a breath of fresh air, that Bonanzle

[10:08:50 PM] reejr123 has left the chat

[10:08:51 PM katbarton> lol..keep hitting wrong one..

[10:08:52 PM Renagade> Tonites Blog was a tough one …I cried

[10:08:53 PM Bead Bowl> looking forward to growing with Bonanzle

[10:08:57 PM bleumoonsattic> if you build it, they will come

[10:08:59 PM attheboutique> I need to be muted for a sec, lol

[10:09:19 PM katbarton> Look how much I learned about a comuter…can do more than turn it on now

[10:09:29 PM EclecticAve> Like I said in my multiply blog, everything eBay is, Bonanzle isn’t and that is a GOOD thing :)

[10:09:32 PM BrightestBlessings> I love it!

[10:09:35 PM katbarton> Ohh Ren…

[10:09:43 PM bleumoonsattic> perfect, eclectic!

[10:09:59 PM Bead Bowl> so true. Runs completely different

[10:10:05 PM BrightestBlessings> Blog spot works for me

[10:10:05 PM EclecticAve> Thank you Bleu :)

[10:10:14 PM KimsKorner> Bonanzle is just such a nice blend of social fun and work its amazing

[10:10:43 PM BrightestBlessings> If I can’t understand how to use it, I don’t need it

[10:10:56 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[10:11:07 PM Bead Bowl> Extremely fun learning

[10:11:24 PM Renagade> BB…you learn things so quickly….

[10:11:27 PM bleumoonsattic> yeah, Walt. We have to learn to understand that MA accent. LOL

[10:11:30 PM Bead Bowl> yes

[10:11:33 PM BrightestBlessings> Oh no

[10:11:36 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[10:11:51 PM katbarton> lol..just leave the r’s out

[10:11:53 PM attheboutique> okay, back, lol

[10:11:55 PM BrightestBlessings> Very

[10:12:30 PM bleumoonsattic> when you need people to teach classes on using the platform, ie ebay, it is too complicated.

[10:12:32 PM] Guest 18 is logged into the chat

[10:12:37 PM Renagade> I LOVE the Bostonian .. we talk different

[10:12:40 PM Bead Bowl> Ren you have to say bb #1 and BB #2!

[10:12:55 PM oakIslandBoutique> Amen!!!

[10:13:01 PM Renagade> ooops! LOL

[10:13:12 PM Renagade> sorry Beadie!

[10:13:15 PM Bead Bowl> lol

[10:13:21 PM EclecticAve> I just want Bonanzle :)

[10:14:21 PM BrightestBlessings> Very easy!

[10:14:29 PM bleumoonsattic> I’ve not had any issues with GC

[10:14:35 PM Renagade> I am on bonanzle and Gemms ….got to get more there though

[10:14:37 PM bleumoonsattic> as a seller, I LOVE it

[10:15:02 PM Bead Bowl> Just started the process with GC, can’t wait. I’ve lost sales because of it

[10:15:11 PM Renagade> Check out all my links there!

[10:15:17 PM] reejr123 is logged into the chat

[10:15:21 PM katbarton> works for me now that Mark fixed it…

[10:15:43 PM Bead Bowl> Some refuse to use paypal

[10:15:55 PM GildedELegance> @BeadBowl all my sales have come from google base

[10:16:02 PM bleumoonsattic> Is blogger and blogspot the same?

[10:16:05 PM katbarton> I refer the google now, but use both

[10:16:13 PM katbarton> nope

[10:16:15 PM BrightestBlessings> yes they are the same

[10:16:17 PM katbarton> blue

[10:16:18 PM Renagade> many of mine too Gilded

[10:16:19 PM Bead Bowl> Yes. I only had pp at first

[10:16:20 PM bleumoonsattic> and I accept PP and GC

[10:16:21 PM katbarton> they are??

[10:16:28 PM katbarton> hmm..

[10:16:38 PM bleumoonsattic> ok, good to know

[10:16:43 PM Bead Bowl> same here Phaedra

[10:16:48 PM bleumoonsattic> me too

[10:17:06 PM bleumoonsattic> since maybe 2000 or 2001

[10:17:30 PM Bead Bowl> Gilded, set up on google base. Did not have checkout

[10:17:44 PM katbarton> bot google base, thats different

[10:17:50 PM Bead Bowl> yes kat

[10:17:50 PM katbarton>

[10:18:00 PM GildedELegance> Get checkout you will benefit from it…….

[10:18:10 PM katbarton> yes? no…sorry tired,

[10:18:13 PM Bead Bowl> Just set it up. Waiting for the deposit

[10:18:22 PM katbarton> ahh..yep

[10:18:33 PM GildedELegance> great

[10:18:39 PM attheboutique>

[10:18:40 PM Bead Bowl> thanks gilded

[10:18:42 PM katbarton> I was reading where you said guilded did

[10:18:49 PM GildedELegance> you bet

[10:18:58 PM oakIslandBoutique> .

[10:19:12 PM GildedELegance> kat you have got to learn to spell my name BLONDIE

[10:19:25 PM bleumoonsattic> can see how the conotation of the word could give some problems, though

[10:19:32 PM katbarton> lol…I can’t spell, and no spell check on chat

[10:19:35 PM bleumoonsattic> on the ‘donate’ issue

[10:19:36 PM GildedELegance> LOL\

[10:19:45 PM GildedELegance> Me either

[10:19:58 PM] Sinfuldreams has left the chat

[10:20:06 PM katbarton> try gypsytradingcompany…all day long! lol

[10:20:07 PM Bead Bowl> could learn foreva!

[10:20:31 PM Bead Bowl> byeeeeeee

[10:20:38 PM katbarton> night all!

[10:20:41 PM GildedELegance> Good night again everyone!!!!!!

[10:20:45 PM attheboutique> Night once again all, lol

[10:20:49 PM katbarton> lol….

[10:20:52 PM attheboutique> last time for links

[10:20:53 PM oakIslandBoutique> Goodnight!!

[10:20:55 PM BrightestBlessings>

[10:20:56 PM bleumoonsattic> g’night everyone!

[10:20:56 PM] Guest 18 has left the chat

[10:20:59 PM GildedELegance> See you Saturday

[10:21:00 PM katbarton> oh good good

[10:21:04 PM katbarton> god! lol

[10:21:05 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[10:21:06 PM Bead Bowl> we said goodnight 10 times lol

[10:21:19 PM attheboutique> lol, yes we have! lmbo

[10:21:20 PM GildedELegance> LOL

[10:21:25 PM attheboutique> just couldn’t stop

[10:21:27 PM katbarton>

[10:21:27 PM bleumoonsattic>

[10:21:28 PM oakIslandBoutique>

[10:21:32 PM Bead Bowl> good stuff

[10:21:33 PM TubbyPuppy> Nite all, in high expectation of Wally’s auction Saturday, I will be there

[10:21:46 PM katbarton>

[10:21:48 PM attheboutique> Saturday Jan 24th 1 pm est,

[10:21:52 PM] Renagade has left the chat

[10:21:53 PM BrightestBlessings> Good Night All!

[10:22:02 PM BrightestBlessings> What is the talkshoe name of the auction?

[10:22:03 PM Bead Bowl> nite BB #!

[10:22:04 PM attheboutique> Night John Boy :)

[10:22:08 PM katbarton>

[10:22:10 PM Bead Bowl> bb#1

[10:22:13 PM GildedELegance> Nite Dede

[10:22:14 PM] bleumoonsattic has left the chat

[10:22:17 PM BrightestBlessings> Night Beadie!

[10:22:27 PM BrightestBlessings> Night Gilded!

[10:22:28 PM katbarton>

[10:22:41 PM EclecticAve>

[10:22:45 PM TubbyPuppy> lol lol

[10:22:50 PM Bead Bowl> Go Phaedra!

[10:22:51 PM katbarton> lol..just saw that Phaedra

[10:22:54 PM BrightestBlessings> ??????What is the talkshoe name for the live auction?

[10:23:03 PM attheboutique> will be posted

[10:23:05 PM katbarton> Night maryellen! thats only two I can remember

[10:23:08 PM] attheboutique has hung up

[10:23:13 PM] katbarton has left the chat

[10:23:15 PM] Bead Bowl has left the chat

[10:23:16 PM] GildedELegance has left the chat

[10:23:25 PM attheboutique> A great show all! thanks for your support!!!

[10:23:26 PM vintagegoodness> great show!

[10:23:44 PM] reejr123 has left the chat

[10:23:48 PM attheboutique> don’t forget rate and follow on your way out!

[10:23:53 PM auctionwally> Hey everyone, thanks so much!

[10:23:55 PM BrightestBlessings> Awesome show!

[10:24:04 PM attheboutique> Thanks, Mitzi!!!!!

[10:24:06 PM] BrightestBlessings has left the chat

[10:24:12 PM vintagegoodness> oops links!

[10:24:19 PM vintagegoodness>

[10:24:21 PM TubbyPuppy> How do you rate ?

[10:24:23 PM attheboutique> yes, links, lol

[10:24:26 PM vintagegoodness> :D

[10:24:30 PM auctionwally> Sing with me Kim, Mitzi let’s hear some harmonies!

[10:24:40 PM attheboutique> on the talkshow page to the right, under follow, you will see the rate

[10:24:41 PM vintagegoodness> no harmony here lol

[10:24:42 PM Bonanzlemark> Thanks everyone, sorry I could not participate more

[10:24:57 PM attheboutique> No worries, Mark, is always awesome to have you here!

[10:24:58 PM auctionwally> Who would know Mitzi?

[10:24:59 PM auctionwally> lol

[10:25:01 PM] Renagade is logged into the chat

[10:25:03 PM vintagegoodness> hehe true

[10:25:20 PM vintagegoodness> mark better put your link

[10:25:24 PM auctionwally> Hey, Mark glad to have you here. Being in the chat room is fine.

[10:25:27 PM vintagegoodness> i doubt anyone knows about it ;)

[10:25:40 PM] KimsKorner has left the chat

[10:25:42 PM attheboutique> did I get that right? lol

[10:25:49 PM vintagegoodness> lol

[10:25:50 PM attheboutique>

[10:25:56 PM] The recording has ended.

[10:26:00 PM attheboutique>

[10:26:02 PM Bonanzlemark> yep

[10:26:10 PM] Bonanzlemark has left the chat

[10:26:16 PM attheboutique> excellent, links are my job, lol

[10:26:26 PM vintagegoodness> lol you are doin great girl!

[10:26:27 PM Renagade> Man! got booted right at the tale end!

[10:26:34 PM attheboutique> awesome, excellent, I have lots to internalize and implement

[10:26:44 PM attheboutique> thanks Mitzi!!! That really means a lot to me!

[10:26:48 PM vintagegoodness> i know right, tons of info!

[10:26:54 PM vintagegoodness> walt makes me want to do a bonanzle auction!

[10:27:03 PM auctionwally> Cool

[10:27:07 PM vintagegoodness> i will see how his goes i guess

[10:27:11 PM vintagegoodness> let him test the waters

[10:27:13 PM attheboutique> yes, is so much! I had a blast at my booth auction, 12 bids in last minute!

[10:27:16 PM vintagegoodness> ;)

[10:27:20 PM vintagegoodness> woo hoo!

[10:27:28 PM auctionwally> Let me know if you decide, I’ll be happy to help you pimp it!’

[10:27:29 PM attheboutique> yeah, wish I had not put a time on it, lol

[10:27:32 PM vintagegoodness> hehe ok

[10:27:36 PM vintagegoodness> no kidding!

[10:27:40 PM attheboutique> ohhhh, pimp the auction!!

[10:27:42 PM] EclecticAve has left the chat

[10:27:44 PM vintagegoodness> you know now for next time

[10:27:45 PM Renagade> Phaedras was awesome! Good auction!

[10:27:50 PM attheboutique> I have to go!, good night all!

[10:27:53 PM] attheboutique has left the chat

[10:27:54 PM vintagegoodness> night!

[10:27:55 PM auctionwally> I’m going to make a lot of mistakes on the first few, I know that.

[10:28:05 PM vintagegoodness> sure, to be expected

[10:28:12 PM auctionwally> Night, thanks so much Phaedra!

[10:28:13 PM vintagegoodness> i’ll be there with bells on

[10:28:27 PM auctionwally> I’ll can sell those bells!

[10:28:31 PM vintagegoodness> lol

[10:28:43 PM auctionwally> I just did in fact, sold a set of Victorian bells.

[10:28:49 PM vintagegoodness> ok i’m getting back to it, take care everyone!

[10:28:50 PM Renagade> Well you have a lot of kniks that may need to be worked out…

[10:29:00 PM] vintagegoodness has left the chat

[10:29:22 PM] oakIslandBoutique has left the chat

[10:29:27 PM auctionwally> Yeah, so how is your DJ biz going Ren? That must be a blast!

[10:30:14 PM auctionwally> TubbyPubby, I know I would have recognized that name if I’d seen it before, so welcome. How are you doing?

[10:30:16 PM Renagade> Still getting it rolling…had a great time New Years eve though!

[10:30:27 PM] TubbyPuppy has left the chat

[10:30:31 PM auctionwally> Did you work? Or DJ for fun.

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